Malawi monitoring Marburg Virus in Tanzania


Malawi Government says it is monitoring Marburg Virus Disease and has advised Malawians to take care of themselves to avoid contracting Marburg Virus Disease whose signs and symptoms include bleeding through the eyes, gums, skin and anus.

The disease has been detected in neighbouring Tanzania where it has claimed five lives.

In a statement that has been signed by Secretary for Health Dr Charles Mwansambo, Ministry of Health says the outbreak is in Kagera Region in the North West of Tanzania.

The Ministry has urged the general public to take care themselves to avoid contacting Marburg Virus by avoiding touching bodily fluids with bare hands and instead wear gloves and personal protective equipments.

“The Ministry of Health is urging Malawians to wash hands with soap and water and avoid touching bodily fluids with bare hands,” he explained.

He went on to say that the Ministry has capacity in all points entry to screen and detect cases suspected of a disease of public health concern and manage the disease according to standard guidelines.

He added that the Ministry in collaboration with World Health Organise (WHO) and Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention will continue to monitor the situation in Tanzania and in the region to update the Public accordingly.

Marburg Virus disease is a zoonotic disease caused by Marburg Virus. The disease is in the same family as Ebola Virus and causes similar disease which is severe and often fatal.

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