Police officers survive boat accident in Nsanje


Floods at Makhanga in Nsanje

Five police officers who were on a rescue mission have survived after the boat they were sailing in on Shire River capsized in Nsanje on Tuesday afternoon.

The officers were heading to Makhanga from Nsanje Boma to rescue some residents who were stranded by floods as a result of the Tropical Cyclone Freddy.

The boat which was pulling another boat got capsized at Tengani as they were coming from Nsanje going to Makhanga Area.

Nsanje Police Station Officer In-charge, Dr. Josephy Mutupha has confirmed the accident and identified the officers as Peter Chiphazi, Peter Kaphagawani, Enock Sidesi, Lucia Nthala and Pennyson Masiku.

Kaphagawani, Masiku,and Nthala, were rescued by efforts of a local cannoe operator while Chiphazi and Sidesi survived by clinging to the boat, according to Mutupha.

Reported by Robert Nayeja

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