Prolonged dry spell in Karonga threatens food security


Farmers in Karonga have appealed for support as the district has been hit by a dry spell which has affected 2,137 hectares of maize fields.

Karonga has had no rains for a month, casting doubt on survival of the already weathered and dried crops even if the rains commence.

Patrick Zgambo, a farmer from Lupembe, appealed to government to provide people in the district with relief food saying most households will not harvest enough.

“We may have little or no food at all in our households hence asking government to help with relief food. We have been greatly affected by the dry spell,” Zgambo said.

However, weather advisor for Karonga District, Victor Phiri said the district should expect rains within the month of March.

“We are expecting rains within this month as will be the case with some of the East African countries. Chances of having rains are high since we are close to these countries,” Phiri said.

Speaking Wednesday, Karonga Director of Agriculture Environment and Natural Resources Raphael Mkisi said farmers in the district should consider growing crops that are drought tolerant.

“We urge farmers to practice conservation agriculture as it helps conserve moisture which can sustain crop stand during dry spells.

“Farmers should also make it a habit to grow crops such as cassava and sweet potatoes which are drought resistant,” Mkisi said.

Reported by Grace Kaonga