Damaged sewer system puts people in Zomba City at risk of Cholera


People along Likangala River at Kazembe, Chilupsya and Chikanda in the City of Zomba  are at risk of suffering from Cholera because the sewer system in the city is damaged and fecal matters are spilling into the river.

Village Headman Kazembe told Malawi24  that most people along the Likangala River draw water for domestic use hence the risk.

Village Headman Kazembe added that people in the area have been complaining of the broken down sewer system to the city authorities but the authorities have not responded to their public health concern.

With the current Cholera outbreak,  Kazembe has appealed to the central government to intervene saying people along Likangala River stand high chances of suffering from the water borne disease.

“We’re very worried because most children in the area go bath in the pools at Likangala River and they stand all the chances to suffer from cholera,” he added.

Chipiliro Chitenje, a woman from Chikanda Village, said most people at Chikanda and other villages along the Likangala River draw water from the river because most of pipes  are dry.

“We have no choice but to draw water from the river because taps are dry,” she added.

Chitenje also appealed for urgent response to the problem saying this needs urgent attention to save lives of people along Likangala River as  city  residents  face interrupted water supply.

Acting Chief Executive Officer for Zomba City Council, Fred NankuYu refused to comment on the issue.

Zomba City has one sewer facility located at Chikanda along Likangala River.


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