1Corinthian 16:9 “for a great and effective door has opened to me, and there are many adversaries.”
For every open door there are adversaries. Few days ago we said that the devil has no authority to close God’s Opening. The devil cannot close any door opened by God. However, he doesn’t just stay idle. He would send Adversaries to sway Christians away from their opened door (God given opportunity).
So he would use evil and unreasonable people not to close the door but to hinder you from entering the open door. This is why you must always be engaged in intercessory prayers so that the influence of evil and unreasonable people should not hinder you from accessing what God has given you. Devil can use unreasonable boss, unreasonable spouse, unreasonable relations, unreasonable officials, unreasonable politicians and so on.
2Thess 3:1-2 “Finally, brothers, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may spread rapidly and be glorified, even as also with you; and that we may be DELIVERED FROM UNREASONABLE AND EVIL people; for not all have faith.”
Paul had door opened for spreading the gospel but he still prayed against unreasonable and evil people. These are people the devil uses as hinderances to access the door that is open for you. So don’t be a victim. There is a battle along the way to stop you from reaching out to the open door.
Ephesian 6:12 “For our struggle is not against human opponents, but against rulers, authorities, cosmic powers in the darkness around us, and evil spiritual forces in the heavenly realm.”
When you pray, you win and paralyze all the influence of the devil and his agents. Cheer up you have overcome!
I am winning in prayer. Nothing and no one will sway me away from my God given opportunity. I am a winner always in Jesus Name. Amen
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