Former MASM commercial chief found guilty of raping niece


The Chief Resident Magistrate Court in Blantyre has found former Medical Aid Society of Malawi (MASM) Chief Commercial Officer Andrew Ngomwa guilty of raping his niece.

Magistrate Jean Kayira has also convicted Ngomwa of defilement and gross indecent practice in the presence of a child.

Ngomwa was, however, acquitted on the charge of procuring defilement of a woman by administering drugs.

Meanwhile, his bail has been revoked and he will wait for sentencing at Chichiri Prison. The court is expected to deliver the sentence on 17 February.

Ngomwa was arrested in 2020 after revelations of the rape. He was living with the girl in his house but when she went back home the girl’s mother noticed that the child was looking sick. The mother who is Ngomwa’s sister took the girl to hospital where tests revealed that the child had been raped and infected with a sexually transmitted infection.