WhatsApp group donates 30 iron sheets to primary school


Social media users from Hora area in Mzimba district who formed a forum with the aim of funding small projects in their area have donated 30 iron sheets to Chasisi Primary School in the district.

The WhatsApp group dubbed “Hora Development Forum” formed in March this year with participants mainly living in diaspora , South Africa in particular, source funds through monthly contributions to fund small projects in the areas of Mzalangwe and Bulala wards in Mzimba district.

The forum with its executive members both living in Malawi and abroad are identifying projects to be done and participants discuss to find means of funding that project.

On 19 December, the forum handed thirty 14 feet iron sheets to Chasisi primary school in the area.The forum contributed about 550,000 kwacha towards the project .

The group charges K2000 as joining fee and each member is asked to pay K5000 or more monthly towards the projects identified in the area.

The forum which has about 80 active members is now making contributions towards another project to be done at Champhumphi school. As of 20 December their contribution was K181 000.