COVID-19: Katemera okakamiza ayamba chaka chamawa


Boma kudzera ku unduna wa zaumoyo mogwirizana ndi komiti ya mtsogoleri wa dziko yotsogolera ntchito yolimbana ndi matenda a COVID-19, yati magulu ena a anthu ayamba kubayidwa katemera mokakamizidwa kuyambira January chaka chamawa.

Izi ndi malingana ndi m’modzi mwa akuluakulu akomitiyi a Khumbize Kandodo Chiponda omweso ndi nduna ya zaumoyo ndipo amayankhula Lachinayi pa msonkhano wa atolonkhani omwe unachitikira mumzinda wa Lilongwe.

Pamsonkhanowu, a Kandodo Chiponda anati kachirombo koyambitsa matenda a COVID-19 kayambiraso kufala kwambiri mdziko muno ndipo ati dziko lino lili pa mlingo wachiwiri pakafalidwe ka matendawa.

Iwo anati izi zikupeleka chiopsezo chakuti ngati anthu sangatsatile njira zopewera matendawa komaso kubaitsa katemela wa matendawa, dziko lino litha kukhala pachiopsezo chachikulu pankhani ya matendawa.

Apa ndunayi yati ngati njira imodzi yofuna kuteteza anthu ku matendawa, magulu ena a anthu omwe ndikuphatikiza azaumoyo, ogwira ntchito m’boma komaso magulu ena ngati atolonkhani, azibayidwa katemerayu mokakamizidwa.

Iwo ati pakadali pano akukambilanabe ndi ofesi ya mlangizi wa boma pankhani za malamulo koma anena kuti pali chiyembekezo kuti katemera okakamizayu atha kuyamba mu January chaka chamawa.

“Pali magulu ena a anthu akhala okakamizidwa kulandira katemela wa COVID-19 ndi cholinga choti tiwateteze. Kuli magulu ngati ogwira ntchito za boma, makamaka ife ogwira ntchito za zaumoyo, wina aliyese akuyenera alandire katemera ameneyu.

“Ogwira ntchito za boma amakhala akukumana ndi anthu osiyanasiyana choncho kuti ateteze miyoyo ya anthu omwe amakumana nawo kuma ofesi kwawo, akuyenera apite akabaitse katemera ameneyu,” atelo a Kandodo Chiponda.

Komiti yotsogolera ntchito yolimbana ndi COVID-19 yatiso yakhwimitsa ena mwa malamulo olimbikitsa kupewera kufala kwa kachirombo ka matendawa ndipo yati malamulo atsopanowa ayamba kugwira ntchito lolemba sabata yamawa pa 20 December, 2021.

Zina mwamfundo zomwe komitiyi yakhwimitsa ndimonga kuchepetsa chiwerengero cha anthu okumana mmagulu kufika pa anthu 100 mukakhala mnyumba ndi anthu 250 pakakhala panja.

Komitiyi yatiso malo omwera mowa onse akuyenera kumatsekedwa 10 koloko usiku komaso ati ma basi komaso ma minibasi akuyenera kuonetsetsa kuti chiwerengero cha anthu omwe akuwanyamula sichikudutsa 60%.


One Comment

  1. 1. Neo-Fascism

    Some politicians are just stupid and do what they’re told by corrupt public health officials. Some politicians know better but consider it politically expedient to “do something” even if the something makes no sense.

    But most disturbing are those politicians who harbor a neo-fascist impulse. They’re using the pandemic to induce fear and intimidate the population into following orders and doing what they’re told. They just can’t tolerate independent citizens making their own decisions.

    I realize that “fascist” is a very strong word with powerful connotations. It may seem paranoid or hysterical, but it’s not. It perfectly describes a certain type of politician. The pandemic has merely ripped their masks off, exposing them for who they truly are.

    The problem with the neo-fascist impulse is that it never goes away. That means the pandemic will never go away in the official sense because that would deprive these neo-fascists of their cover to pursue their political agenda of fear and control.

    Again, that’s not being paranoid. It’s an objective assessment.

    2. COVID and Climate: Two-Headed Trojan Horse

    This neo-fascism goes beyond COVID. In some ways, the pandemic is a test run for draconian climate policies.

    Global elites see the COVID pandemic and climate alarm as a two-headed Trojan Horse that can be used to foist global taxation and heavy regulations on a global population who have suddenly become accustomed to following government orders.

    If populations can successfully resist vaccine mandates and other strict measures, then globalists fear they’ll rebel against restrictive climate policies.

    Their real agenda is to define a “global problem” so they can advance “global solutions” such as world governance, world taxation and world rule by elites. It doesn’t matter that the actual science behind lockdowns, vaccine mandates or hysterical climate alarmism is extremely weak.

    It’s about control.

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