The body of former legislator for Karonga Central Cornelius Mwalwanda was exhumed from a cemetery in Lilongwe and has been reburied in Karonga.
Mwalwanda died of Covid-19 in July last year and his body was buried at Area 18 Cemetery in Lilongwe in accordance to Covid-19 burial measures at the time.
Mwalwanda’s family has since exhumed the body and the former MP was reburied yesterday in his home village at Mulale in Karonga.
Social media user Julius Zimwanda Mithi posted pictures from the burial ceremony and confirmed the exhumation.
“Burial Ceremony of Late Mwalwanda Former MP in Karonga who died of Covid-19 and was buried at Area 18 Cemetery but now the body was Exhumed and is being buried today in Karonga,” posted social media user Julius Zimwanda Mithi.
Steve Simsokwe also posted in a group called Friends of Karonga that he attended the burial ceremony.
“Reburial ceremony of late Dr Cornelius Mwalwanda former MP for Karonga central took place yesterday at his home village Mulale, and we had a good chat with Christopher his first-born son.
He added: “Yes the body was exhumed and reburied here in Karonga, let’s welcome him back home.”
Mwalwanda was a member of the ruling Malawi Congress Party and was the first MP in Malawi to die of COVID-19.
He was a development economist and once served as Deputy Minister of Finance and Development Planning. He also previously worked for the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA).