Attorney General Thabo Chakaka Nyirenda says huge amounts of money have been lost at the Malawi Police Service (MPS) through payments to Mas international which claims to have a contract for the supply of uniforms to MPS.
Reports indicate that Mas International has been paid ‘several billions’ using the dubious deal.
Nyirenda, in a letter dated 24 September, has since asked the Anti-Corruption to investigate the issue.
According to Nyirenda, MPS issued several Local Purchase Orders (LPOs) to Mas International to procure police uniforms on demand. The company claims that the LPOs constituted binding contracts hence Malawi Police Service is under an obligation to procure the uniforms specified in the LPOs.
“A review of the LPOs reveal several lapses in the manner in which the procurement was handled. The transaction also breached the Competition and Fair-Trading Act. The uniforms stated in the LPOs are not needed by the Malawi Police Service.

“Former Attorney General, Mr. Kalekeni Kaphale recommended that the Anti-Corruption Bureau should investigate the matter but nothing tangible happened. Huge amount of money has been lost under this dubious contract. My view is that the parties involved committed offences under the Corrupt Practices such as abuse of office and aiding and abetting public officers to abuse office,” reads part of the letter.
Platform for Investigative Journalism reported that an officer in the police service sent MAS International the LPO and the police has since 2015 paid several billions to the company.
When police stopped Mas International from using the LPOs to supply the materials—the company dragged the Malawi Government to court.
Published reports indicate that other suppliers also supplied materials and goods to police services without signing any contracts with the MPS.