Former NSO boss arrested for recruiting JCE holders on post requiring MSCE


The Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) on Tuesday arrested former Commissioner for National Statistical Office (NSO) for recruiting Junior Certificate of Education (JCE) holders on a position that required a minimum qualification of Malawi School Certificate of Education (MSCE).

The complaint against the former NSO boss, Mr Charles Machinjiri, was sent to the ACB in 2011.

ACB spokesperson Egrita Ndala said in a statement yesterday that the complaint alleged that Machinjiri produced a list of applicants with JCE to be recruited as Temporary Statistical Clerks in a vacancy whose minimum qualification was MSCE.

Machinjiri then gave that list to Mr Hastings Dowe who was Human Resource Management Officer then (now Director of Administration at Blantyre District Council) for consideration during aptitude test for the recruitment.

“The Bureau conducted investigation which established that 21 individuals were recruited although they did not meet the requirements. It was also established that Mr Dowe recommended and endorsed the recruitment. Mr Machinjiri, on the other hand, approved that list,” said Ndala.

On 28th September, 2021, the ACB arrested Mr. Dowe and Mr. Machinjiri. They were taken to Zomba Magistrate’s Court on 29th September where they were charged.

Mr Dowe was charged with misuse of public office, contrary to Section 25B (1) of Corrupt Practices Act. Mr Machinjiri was charged with neglect of official duty, contrary to Section 121 of the Penal Code.

They were released on bail after satisfying the following conditions producing to the Court K250,000 cash each as bail bond and one surety each bonded at K500,000.00 not cash

The suspects will appear in Court on 18th and 19th October, 2021 for trial.