NICO Group of Companies has pumped K5million into Flames Afcon Fundraising Golf Tournament slated for Lilongwe Golf Club on Saturday.
State Vice President Dr Saulos Klaus Chilima will grace the tournament aimed at raising funds for the Flames’ participation at Afcon finals next year in Cameroon.
NICO Group Head of Marketing and Customer Experience Lorraine Phiri said on Wednesday morning that as a home grown company they felt duty bound to support the Flames who are the pride of the nation.
“We recognise that football is a great unifier. It transcends over all barriers whether cultural economical and social to bring people together around a common purpose.
“And when you look at the Flames we see a platform to bring Malawians together and lift the flag higher.
“So Nico, as a company that has been operating in Malawi for 50 years proving innovative financial solutions that have uplifted Malawians, we felt it was key to continue playing this critical patriotic role by supporting the Flames,” said Phiri.
Flames Resource Mobilisation Taskforce chairman Jabbar Alide thanked NICO for the sponsorship.
“We are grateful to Nico for helping us move towards realising our target.
“Nico has done more than just this sponsorship in supporting our fund raising project. They have supported as with key personnel in the Taskforce.
“With three days to go before the tournament we still appeal to other companies to support us,” said Alide.
The Taskforce is expected to raise about K400 million and has, apart from golf tournament, lined up other fundraising activities including a dinner with the State President.
Source: FAM