Malawi honoured by AAI for consolidating democracy


Malawi has been honoured by the Africa American Institute for Malawians’ contribution to democracy.

State House Director of Communications Sean Kampondeni said yesterday that Malawians have been honoured for the resilience they showed over the last two years to consolidate the cause of democracy.

“The international community through the African America’s Institute will at the UNGA, which will take place this month, award Malawi for maintaining peace and democracy in the country. It is very important for us as a country to celebrate this recognition which the international community has awarded us and we have to be grateful as a country as well as be proud for ourselves for being recognized as the most peaceful Country,” said Kampondeni.

According to Kampondeni, on 21 September, 2021 the president will represent Malawian citizens in receiving this award during a virtual ceremony where he will also give his acceptance speech.

During the media briefing, Kampondeni also said the president is aware of the situation of drugs in hospital and he is working with the Ministry of Health to solve the situation.

“The President is aware of this issue and he already said in Mangochi during SMD conference that the issues will be addressed but it will not be overnight, but they will be addressed overtime because even last week the President met with Minister of Health Hon. Khumbize Chiponda in order to get an update on what are some of the measures being put in place and when can we expect to see some fruits on that”.

He added that the Ministry will be giving updates at the right time regarding the measures that they have put in place to address the situation.

“The President is monitoring the situation in order to make good on his commitment to the health personnel as well as Malawians,” said Kampondeni.