Mzati Youth Organization in Blantyre on Friday engaged the youth on Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) in order to guide and encourage them on the importance of using contraceptives.
Executive Director for Mzati Youth Organization Lawrence Kumpama said nowadays it is important to spread information about Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights among the youths so as to reduce new HIV infections that arise through sexual activities besides other ways.
Kumpama said this on 3 September 2021 after the debate held at Mzati Youth Organization office located at Lunzu township in the area of Traditional Authority Kapeni in Blantyre.
He also said that if the youths are approached in a friendly manner it will help them easily understand and adopt sexual reproductive health and rights services.
“You know, nowadays abstinence is rarely applied among the youths. So, we thought it wise to be engaging youths in various topics to discuss about methods pertaining to Sexual Reproductive and Health Rights services such as use of contraceptive methods. The mission is to give youth chance to be discussing issues that are affecting their lives every day, so that they should have information on sexual reproductive health and avoid problems caused by this.
“Though many youths came in numbers at our office to seek Sexual Reproductive and Health Rights services, the challenge is that we do not have much resources and end result, others go back without getting what they came for. So, it is my plea either to the government or well-wishers to support us with these Sexual Reproductive and Health Rights resources such as condoms, emergency pills among others in order to serve the youths in our area properly. Currently, as Mzati Youth Organization we do not have a donor but it is our desire to reach many youths,” said Kumpama.
He added that besides the component of youth in Sexual Reproductive and Health Rights program, Mzati Youth Organization also supports education sector by assisting students who are vulnerable.
The organization further supports girls from underprivileged family and also trains young women to be self-reliant.
In an interview, one of the youths Patricia Gomesi said the debate has opened up her mind on how she can use the contraceptive methods.
“You know, contraceptive methods are associated with bad myths and rumors but with today’s debate I have learnt a lot how I can avoid unplanned pregnancies and prevent STIs contractions,” she said.
Alinafe Peter Uchi concurred with Patricia on the importance of accessing Sexual Reproductive and Health Rights services as youths saying one can complete education without being compromised by unplanned pregnancies.
Alinafe urged fellow youth to start accessing Sexual Reproductive and Health Rights services for them to be safe in as far as their career is concerned.
Over 25 youth, including 10 boys, participated in the debate and out of which 10 were boys. The youth in Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights program comes every Friday at Mzati Youth Organization office in which youths discuss various topics pertaining to their day to day lives.