Two teachers win in Airtel Yabeba


Two primary school teachers are among four one million Kwacha winners in this week’s Airtel Yabeba Promotion.

Elizabeth Msyali who teaches at Chinyolo Primary School in Rumphi and Sylvester Manahata, a teacher at Ulongwe 1 Primary in Machinga, emerged winners during a draw on Tuesday.

“I am very happy with the win and I will share the money with relatives,” said Msyali.

Patrick Njobvu who works as a temporary cane cutter in Chikwawa was also one of the winners. Njobvu said he was happy to win and will use the money to start a business.

A fourth winner could not be reached when Airtel contacted the number to deliver the good news.

During the draw, the ninth draw since Yabeba started, 2,250 Airtel subscribers won K10,000 each while 100 subscribers got K100,000 each.

The draw has seen over 36 people, including stay at home moms, health workers and businesspersons become millionaires. Airtel has disbursed over K68.5 million.