Devotion: Reign as King


Romans 5:17. “For if by one man’ offense death reigned by one; much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ.”

God’s grace makes you reign as a king. Remember Jesus is King of kings. He is our king, so we are kings.

Revelation 1:6. “And has made us kings and priests to God and his Father…”

God has chosen you to reign as King in life. He chose us to exercise authority over what God created. Both male and female are Kings.

The original plan of God was that every person should reign as king and rule over what God had created. Adam was a king in the earth. All creation obeyed him.

Genesis 1:28 “God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply! Fill the earth and subdue it! RULE OVER the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and every creature that moves on the ground.”

Man lost this rule when Adam sinned and the devil took over. Those things that man was supposed to rule started ruling over him. However Christ gave us back the authority as kings. That is why the Bible says in Rom5:17 that the righteous reign by Jesus Christ.

We therefore should not allow anything to rule over us. Fear, sin, fear, demons, failure or anything bad shouldn’t rule over your live. Use your authority as a king to change things around you. This authority is exercised by the words we speak. Choose the right words that sound like a king. Don’t sound defeated. We are not slaves. Kings have a different language from slaves.  Your words are your authority. Your power as a king is in your words.

Ecclesiastes 8:4 ” Where the word of a king is, there is power: and who may say to him, what are you doing?”

The scripture says no one will question what you are doing if you exercise your authority as a king by speaking the right words that will show power and that will surely change things.


I am a king and exercise my authority in this life over all God’s creation. I speak the right words that show my authority. I refuse to speak fear, failure or anything that doesn’t sound like a king. In Jesus Name. Amen.