Form 4 student commits suicide in Chitipa


Written by Joseph Mbughi

A Form Four student aged 18 years was found hanging from the roof of her bedroom on Wednesday at Eyaya Mangoline in Chitipa.

According to Chitipa police station public relations officer Sub-inspector Gladwell Simwaka, the deceased has been identified as Tamala Kayange aged 18.

Simwaka said the incident occurred on Wednesday, June 23,2021 at 18:30 pm at Eyaya Mangoline village in the area of T/A Mwaulambia in Chitipa district.

He added that it is reported that the girl was staying with her grandmother and was a student at Ilinga Private Secondary School.

According to Simwaka, on this fateful day, Tamala was supposed to go to the maize field together with her grandmother but  she excused herself saying she had to write examinations at her school.

When her grandmother came back from the field, she found her hanging from the roof in her bedroom with full volume music playing and the door locked.

Police visited the scene accompanied by health personnel from Chitipa District Hospital where the postmortem results showed that death was due to suffocation secondary to strangulation. The police determined that the girl died by suicide.

Tamara Kayange hailed from Misuku village, Traditional Authority Mwenemisuku in Chitipa district.