South Eastern Police records 74 deaths from murder, suicide and accidents


South Eastern Region Police which covers five districts says it has recorded 49 murder and suicide cases while 25 people have died in road accidents since the start of 2021.

South Eastern Region Police commissioner Chikondi Chingadza said that it is worrisome that from January to April this year, the region has lost 49 lives through mob justice as well as suicide; and has also lost 25 lives through road accidents facilitated by motor bike (Kabaza) operators and cyclists.

Commissioner Chingadza made the remarks on Wednesday, 26 April 2021 at Senior Chief Nchilamwera Headquarters during a security meeting with opinion leaders in Thyolo aimed at security, safety and unity building among police and communities.

She said that opinion leaders have a role to partake in terms of security tightening, therefore, the need to have such meeting.

“Initially we had a security meeting whereby I targeted opinion leaders in Thyolo knowing that these opinion leaders have a responsibility to make sure that people in these areas are safe. And we are doing things as a team knowing that police cannot do things on its own, hence issues to do with security need something to do with teamwork, so we had to invite these people and brief them on the challenges the region and district is facing in terms of security.

“It is a major concern that as a region for the period covering January to April we lost 49 people in home side cases. When we are talking homicide cases we are looking at people who died trying to protect their property (murdered) and those people who were killed when they went maybe to steal (during mob justice) and those people who committed suicide.  So for the four months I am talking about we registered 49 deaths compared to same period in 2021. These people could have assisted in developing the area,” said Chingadza.

In a related development, Chingadza warned Kabanza operators to be careful on safety and security saying within the period of January to April the region has lost 25 lives through road accidents out which 19 were Kabanza operators while 6 were cyclists.

She also discouraged tendency of forcing children into early marriages, child labor, and warned against gender-based violence. He encouraged victims to report GBV cases to police.

Commissioner Chingadza then advised people in south eastern region to always be security conscious in whatever they are doing and take responsibility to make sure that whatever they have is being protected.

In his remarks, Senior Chief Nchilamwera applauded the coming of the commissioner to brief traditional leaders, religious leaders, estate leaders, kabaza operators’ representatives, business leaders among others, on security and safety tightening saying where there is no security, development cannot progress.

Security officer for Eastern Produce Malawi (EPM) Limited in Thyolo, Fraction M’mwamba concurred with Senior Chief Nchilamwela that even estates in Thyolo are progressing due to security availability though some challenges. He then urged unity among police, estates, and communities and build good relationships as these groups’ works hand in hand in terms security delivery.

South Eastern Region Police covers five districts namely: Thyolo, Mulanje, Chilazulu, Phalombe and Nsanje