Med Health boosts Moyale Barracks


A medical insurance company has donated K1 million to Super League side Moyale Barracks Football Club.

Chief Executive Officer Bright Kamanga for Med Health said the help is part of the company’s social responsibility in sports, human health and education.

“As a group of companies our corporate responsibility goes along education, health and sports so we would like to help people in sports, education and health. In health, we help those who are less privileged to access health services somewhere and in education we support students who are needy.

“In sports we were sponsoring golf but we thought it wise to extend into other avenues so we decided of going into football at the moment and in football we decided to go to Moyale, though the team is an MDF team but it’s a self-sponsored side,” he said.

Kamanga added that the company will continue supporting the team and also go to other sporting activities but within Moyale Barracks.

Commenting on this, General Secretary for Moyale Barracks Major Flow Mwale thanked Med Health for the gesture.

“We were lacking support especially this time when we were playing without supporters and also let me thank others who came in to support us again,” he said.

He added that the support they have been receiving has motivated the team and that is why they have won six games in a row in the Super League.

Moyale Barracks are on fourth position in the league and have ended the first round of the league with 24 points.