Catholic men told to be exemplary


Archbishop of the Blantyre Archdiocese Ambuye Thomas Luke Msusa has called on men who are members of the Catholic Church to be good examples when it comes to doing the will of God and  to be active in all social and economic developmental activities.

Msusa who was speaking at CI on Saturday, 1st May, 2021 during the launch of Catholic Men Organization (CMO) for the Blantyre Archdiocese.

Archbishop Msusa said men need to realize that they have a great role to perform at family, church and national level hence the need to show good deeds just as Joseph, father to Jesus did by being known for his caring and hard working spirit.

He then said it is not proper to see a man and a Christian for that matter being involved in malpractices and has since urged all catholic men to desist from doing that which does not please God.

Msusa also told catholic men to be hard working at their working place just as sant’ Joseph saying God doesn’t tolerate laziness.

“Today I am very happy that all men has come from their respective homes to witness the launch of the organization. This means that men now have realized that they have to respond to the will of God as did sant’ Joseph.

“They have to work for the church, for their families and also to support women. God has called them to fully work for Him and on this am also encouraging all men to love their job just as sant’ Joseph. God was the first to work, so men should take heed of that spirit,” said Archbishop Msusa.

In his remarks, the interim chairperson for the newly launched CMO Martin Chiwaya, said the organization will work towards improving the human and spiritual welfare of men so as to build up a man who shall be so caring and influential in all the country’s developmental activities.

Chiwaya said the organization will be organizing trainings where men will be acquainted with knowledge as to how each one of them can be an agent of positive change on family, church and national level.

He added that they will also be working on how to reduce cases of gender-based violence including raising cases of defilement which he said even Christian men are involved.

“We shall be having sensitization meetings where we shall be discussing issues to do with gender-based violence that include defilement cases, but in short we want these men to be so exemplary and with good reputation,” said Chiwaya