Fish disease hits parts of Malawi


The Fisheries Department says people should not consume fish affected by Epizootic Ulcerative Syndrome (EUS) which has spread in parts of the country.

Affected fish

According to the department, the disease is spreading in parts of the central region.

The Ministry of Agriculture in July also warned about the a highly contagious fungal disease which mostly affects fresh water fish and has very devastating socio-economic consequences including disruption of natural aquatic species diversity as a result of massive fish mortalities, reduced livelihood of subsistence and commercial fishermen.

“It does not directly affect human beings. Although, there is no direct public health risk for consuming fish suffering from EUS, however, the fact that EUS causes deep ulcers, some opportunistic bacteria can invade the wounds and if someone eats the infected fish, diseases like diarrhea can occur especially in children and other vulnerable groups,” the ministry said at the time.
