Flight from hell:  Malawian Airlines is breeding ground for bedbugs


A Kenyan woman has vowed to never fly with Malawian Airlines again saying its aircrafts are breeding grounds for bedbugs.

In a video review of her experience flying with the airline, the Kenya blogger with the Youtube username Kenyan Sister lambasted the carrier for its poor services.

A seat inside the plane

On November 2, the woman boarded the Malawian Airlines plane from Nairobi, Kenya to Lilongwe in Malawi from where she connected to Johannesburg in South Africa.

During the flight, she noticed that the windows were dirty while the seats were worn out hence could be a good breeding place for bed bugs.

“I can’t even recline my seat because the button that I was supposed to press is not there,” she said.

She also described the conditions in the toilet as disgusting saying she did not use it for fear of getting infections.

Later, the plane landed in in Lilongwe where the woman boarded a flight to Johannesburg but the conditions were similar and the flight was also delayed because of a mechanical issue.

During the trip, the woman continued expressing her mistrust of the airline saying she could not be sure about the condition of gas masks.

After landing in Johannesburg, the woman declared that she will never fly with Malawian Airlines again.

She also blasted the airline for not responding to people’s comments on its social media page regarding the airline’s poor services.