Chimulirenji defends request for K100 million


Vice President Everton Chimulirenji has described as a normal transaction his request to transfer to an FDH Bank account K100 million for trips within Malawi.

In a statement on Thursday, Chimulirenji, through his spokesperson Charles Wahara, said members of the general public should not be alarmed by the request.

Chimulirenji: It is within the budget

A leaked letter written by the Secretary to the Vice President and Commissioner for Disaster Management Affairs Wilson Moleni to the Accountant General has revealed that the veep’s office requested for the transfer of the funds to be used for urgent expenses.

In his statement, Wahara said the Office of the Vice President operates a holding account at FDH Bank to cater for urgent transactions for activities pertaining to delegated duties and Disaster Management issues.

He said the funds that are transferred to the FDH Bank account are within the approved K5.6 billion 2019/20 budget for the Office.

“This a Government account and all transactions made under this account are duly approved by the Controlling Officer as it is the case with all standard IFMIS,” he said.

However, Wahara did not explain the urgent expenses which necessitated the withdrawal of K100 million.

Malawians are still questioning the amount and wondering why the Vice President needed so much money for trips within Malawi over a period of 30 days.

“The issue is not the transfer, the issue is what urgency for that a lot of money? Why that much?” one Malawian commented on the Malawi Government Facebook page where the press release was posted.