A Chilima ndi Abisalomu – watelo Nkasa

Saulos Chilima

Inu owelenga Baibulo, olitsata bwino, mwaidziwa nkhani ya uja Abisalomu anafuna kulanda ufumu wa Bambo ache kenako ndikufa ngati galu?

A Nkasa ati Abisalomu uja, mu masiku a lero, ndi wachiwiri kwa a Peter Mutharika, a Saulos Chilima.

Joseph Nkasa
Joseph Nkasa

Mu nyimbo yawo ya kumene imene akuchemelera a Mutharika, a Nkasa ngakhale sanatchule dzina afanizila a Chilima ndi Abisalomu wa mu Baibulo.

Mwa zina a Nkasa akunena kuti a Mutharika aimanso ndipo akuchenjeza kuti ufumu sachita kulanda.

“Pokhala nawe monga mwana wanga, ndinali kukufunila zabwino,” akuimba motelo a Nkasa ndiye akumazafunsa:

“Kukula kwanga wakuona liti?”

Kenako a Nkasa akumaimba zotamandila a Mutharika.

Mwavuta mu chipani cholamula cha DPP pamene zapezeka kuti a Mutharika ndi wachiwiri wawo onse akufuna kuyimila chipani mu 2019.



  1. Mkasa wafika pomvetsa chisoni ndikupemphetsa kwakeku. eish.
    Wapitililanso ‘amasikini’.

  2. Koma zoti ndimkulu akukana?ife nganganga kumbuyo kwa wachinyamata basi ubwino wake Chilima sakuyambitsa chake chipani ndi DPP yomweyo

  3. Mkasa sangapange anthu kuti afune ichi koma anthu afuna chimene akufuna, iyo nyimbo ndimaganizo ake amkasayo, Komaso kufuna kupembeza mutharika,,, anthu akatopa atopa basi,,, tione ana mwina Malawi ingatukuke

  4. Nanga zitati zatheka Dr Chilima nkuimira DPP 2019 ankasa mzayimba ziti or mzaliuza ziko chani mbuyache? Bwinotu mngakamalizire moyo wanu ku Mozambique ku exile. “dolo walero ndi wopusa wa mawa”

  5. One of my favorite musician in Malawi is Nkasa with the songs he used to sing before unpolitical ones…but since he started this amandikwana kwambiri matsiku ano ndiponso luso lake labwelera m’mbuyo.

  6. Mkasatu amudziwe yesu , ngati ndi dyera azathera mmanja

  7. Joyce Banda anali bhoo heavy anali ndima vision anyatwa

  8. Malawi sizithu agogo akulilamura dziko kodi achinyamata mulikuti

  9. Please know what when Mr Bakili was the boss money was not problem but now things is wase please make malawi to be the same as other Africa country

  10. Aziyimba mene angathere koma ulamulilo wakumalawi ndi wachikape ziko la nyasa zochitika zonyasa ?

  11. Apa ndie atangomusowesa sopano munthu wanji opanda mbali nkasa anali kale cha ma 2003_2005 Ali phungu wa osauka pano ndi phungu wa ndale ndie paja ndale ndi dity game chocho ankasaso pano ali dirty

  12. I don’t think Chilima is behind all these, because he knows very well that he is DPP candidate for 2024 not 2019 as it is being said these cheap propagandas are just being cooked by self grid politicians. Mutharika deserves another term, what he’s has shown in his first term his brain is still fresh, but if Mutharika wants to leave for Chilima its also a good development. Chilima has shown good readership skills he doesn’t slumber at work and he is a God fearing.

  13. Chilima sakudodoma nawo ndi nyimboyo,,,,,basi mkasa adye nawo ndalama zakubanzo ndi pitala

  14. Komanso awa nde nyani yoweta tu,anthu mmene akulira ineyo unenetsa kuti ayimanso! !!!!! Ndasiya kumvera nkansa ….. akayankhe basi!!!!

  15. Mmmmmmm komat amkasa azafela za eni posacadwa apa anamenyadwa ndie akfna amenyedweso

  16. Mr Nkasa was a well respected Musician who at one point he acquired the status of a Celebrity but I doubt that he still enjoys the same. What Mr Nkasa is forgetting is that this is politics NOT kingship as he is trying to portray. The problem is that probably he doesn’t know the meaning of the word “Democracy”. He has the right to express his views just like any other Malawian but he must not mislead people. Let all the aspiring candidates go & contest & whoever emerges winner then let him/her be the torch bear of the party into the Tripartite Elections. Mutharika is a good person but the question is that does his leadership is the one that the majority of Malawians need?????

  17. Nkasa Ndiwamisala, iye sakuona kuti nkhalambazi zingotsogolela dziko kumanda….

  18. Yah nyimbo singaletse wina kupanga zomwe akufuna kupanga”!! but if we can take this as a serious issues…. Dr /Mr Chilima. Mwapupuluma munakafatsa kaye….!!kkkkkk dyela pa malawi!!!!

  19. Don’t worry about Nkasa,aziyimba zake zimenezi he is just exercising his democracy.Koma anthu we know what is right to the country.

  20. if chilima can declare central region as a No go Zone for Gulukunyindaz team as the way they are behaving with Winiko and Kaliat believe opposition parties will gang up helping Chilima to attack Nkhalamba Team

  21. Ankasa ali ndiwufulu woyimba momwe angathele but that can’t be the case to stop Dr chilima to contest as DPP presidential candidate in 2019 . If DPP is a really democratic party then let Dr chilima to contest, and izo zamacadet zangokhala nkhaza zosakanikilana ndiwumbuli too chabe . Kodi ngati anthu akufuna kusintha utsogoleri limenelo ndivuto ? Dairy mumakhala mukunena kuti chipani chang’ona , kodi nkhaza achita macadets ku parliament kuja chinali chipani chang’ onaso kodi ? Ine ndine mmodzi wa DPP komano zija macadets achitira honorable kaliat mm ndizomvetsa manyazi

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