President Peter Mutharika has claimed that the way Malawians think is the reason the country is not rich.
Mutharika was speaking on Tuesday at the launch of the Malawi Growth and Development Strategy—MGDS III at Kamuzu Palace in Lilongwe.

The president said whatever nation God created in the world, he gave people land and water for natural resources, the people to work on the natural resources and the mind to think of how to use the resources.
He added that the only real difference that exists between developed nations and underdeveloped nations is how people think.
“Malawi is not a poor country. We are a rich country with many poor people. But we have everything that we need to take our people from poverty to prosperity.
“Today, we have put together our minds on a common strategy for taking this country to the next level of development,” said Mutharika.
According to the president, the development strategy represents the collective hopes and dreams of the people as well as the convictions and aspirations of Malawi nation.
Mutharika observed that Malawi wants to become a producing and exporting nation and to stop being a predominantly importing and consuming nation hence there is need to increase agricultural productivity and sustainability with better water management and irrigation.
He expressed hope that irrigation farming will lead to commercial agriculture which can become a catalyst for industrialisation.
“In the making of a productive nation, we also need young men and women with skills to create their own industries and businesses. We need education for socio-economic development and industrial growth. We are already building community technical colleges and implementing other projects to achieve this goal,” Said Mutharika.
The third Malawi Growth and Development Strategy has five key priorities which will be used to build a productive, competitive and resilient nation.
The priority areas are Agriculture, Water Development and Climate Change, Education and Skills Development, Energy, Industry and Tourism Development, Transport and ICT Infrastructure and Health and Population.
Each of the sectors has a specific flagship project, with key performance outcome indicators and time-framed targets.
According to Mutharika, the strategy is Malawi’s instrument for implementing specific United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
It is also a tool for implementing the African Union Agenda 2063 and the Regional Indicative Strategic Development Plan (RISDP) under the Southern African Development Community (SADC).
MWAmuwona kapanyo ameneyuyu zomwe akulankhula sopano akubera dala ndalama zaboma yomwe iri misonkho ya malawi ndi gulu lake mkumati dziko lingachite bwino ndi atsogoleri akubawa?
KUno kumalawi we hav the problem of supporting these people who r buzy 4 killing our country by corupting and cashgating the malawian taxes timawombela mmanja zopusa ngati zimenezi .apa mwachiwona chikulankhula zopusa pamene boma lake ndilo lasakaza misonkho yamalawi ,timanena kuti ichichi sichimunthu choti chingasinthe dzko lamalawi kwake mkuwononga not kukoza lero ndi izi kaya enanu mudziti chani tsopano?
kkkkkkk iwonso asithe, kaganizidwe, sindikuonapo zanzeru zomwe amakamba,
Haha what????
You cashgate our taxes and after kukhuta you kuphwisa such mwano???????
Mbuzi yamano mbali imodzi
They steal 90% of Malawi’s GDP and expect Malawians to thnk of how to turn the remaining 10% into success for all….that wud take more than mind change it wud take Divine intervention.
They steal 90% of Malawi’s GDP and expect Malawians to thnk of how to turn the remaining 10% into success for all….that wud take more than mind change it wud take Divine intervention.
They steal 90% of Malawi’s GDP and expect Malawi to thnk of how to turn the remaining 10% into success for all….that wud take more than mind change it wud take Divine intervention.
uyu ndi bwampinidi…sakuona moti kuti kusowa mphamva za magetsi ndi gwero la umphawi? kuba komwe boma lake lakhazikikapo kungapititse dziko patsogolo? utsogoleri olephera kukonza izi ndiwo gwero la umphawi kuno ku Malawi
Him inclussive
He has descluded himself as he is a green card holder
In my Opinion this is TRUE! Too many people haven’t been taught to take responsibility. Most Malawians blame others the Government inclusive for their misfortune. But your life is solely dependent on You! The rich prune their kids to invest in knowledge at a tender age ie Reading books & What not but here what are our Malawian kids doing?? Social Media & what not. #Malawi we need to RISE. #MindSetChange.
how can Malawians develop when the are led by thieves..
he wants to promote his way thinking which is stealing from poor malawians.
Is not true Mr president I do think I do dream rich n I took my proposal to your government institutions but you let me down I have money to do something but to get a permit or certificate for what i want to do its hard again I do think n dream big
i said last time “this guy is not a Malawian”u seen today he sparated by saying.”the way Malawians thinking”2019 we need malawian to rule not American
Its true because his followers are tsotsi thats why we are not develped