Preparations are underway for the 2018 TNM Super League season which is set to kick off on 15th April, a week after the Super League of Malawi (Sulom) Annual General Meeting.
According to local media reports, preparations for the new season are going on very well even though Sulom is not clear as to when they will release the opening fixtures.

General Secretary for Sulom Williams Banda told the media that everything is going on as planned.
“Preparations are going on very well as we have already engaged our sponsors and we are very hopeful that by 15th April, everything will be set.
“We are assuring football lovers that they should expect an entertaining season from their teams as well as from sponsors,” he was quoted in the local media.
Meanwhile, Blantyre based football fans will be watching games at Kamuzu Stadium following rehabilitations which are currently underway at the facility in readiness for the new season.
In the 2017 season, football lovers from Blantyre were forced to travel long distances to watch their teams as the facility was declared unfit to host matches by Football Association of Malawi (FAM).
Chaka cha ma BANKERS ndichimenechi, 2018. Wina alira chaka chake ndi chino.
Manoma kuyamba kwabwino
Dzili boooo
Mwaganiza Bwanj Kuyka Pakatikat Pamwez Ndimmene Ilili Njala Chaka Chino??