Chaponda off the hook in money laundering case

George Chaponda

…trial continues today

Former Agriculture Minister George Chaponda has had his fresh count of money laundering cleared out over what is understood by court as lacking more evidence.

Chaponda who was arrested in July is facing charges of corruptly performing public functions, misuse of public office, and possession of foreign currency, contrary to Section, 25A(1), 25B (1) of the Corrupt Practices Act, and Regulation 25A(1) of the Exchange Control Regulations, as read with Section 3 of the Exchange Control Act, respectively.

George Chaponda
George Chaponda

He pleaded not guilty to the charges.

Co-accused Tranaglobe Limited boss Rashid Tayub also pleaded not guilty to the charge of influencing a public officer to misuse his office.

The Anti-Corruption Bureau arrested Chaponda, Tayub and another suspect Grace Mhango for their role in the botched purchase of 100,000 metric tonnes of maize from Zambia.

State Prosecutors told the Zomba Magistrate Court- where the case involving Chaponda and Transglobe Limited boss Rashid Tayub was transfered to from Blantyre High Court last week that a new count was added to the initial corruption charges and others on Chaponda’s lap.

However the defence team had argued with the court that the evidence was not enough for the count to be added.

The court then ruled in favour of the defence saying the count can only be added when the state brings forward more ground to it.

The court is also excepted to rule whether witnesses that testified against Chaponda at Blantyre High Court including Foster Mlumbe will have to come to court again or use their initial statements.

This afternoon as the case rages on, the court is also slated to make its stand on a plea from Tayub’s defence team led by Jai Banda that he be tried separately.

This they say is because Chaponda has some counts that Tayub is not answering and delaying their client’s trial.



  1. Ine nkhani za anthu ngati awa zimandiwawa zedi zikamatha chonchi moti nthawi ndimalakala ndikanakhala msilikali wa udindo waukulu ine Dziko ilili ndikanaliukira.Ndibwezi ndikungolimbana ndi akatangale onse achina nankhumwa,mphwiyo lutepo ndi ameneyuyu powapha olo kulanda chuma chonse nkuthandizira ovutika.Zimandikhuza amalawi mmene timamuphera nzathu okuba nkhuku,njinga ndi zina zing’onozing’ono koma anthu okuba ndalama zathu zomwe Ku boma nkumangoyang’ana enanso nkumasapotera anthu ngati amenewa.Ku SA kulinso katangale koma Dziko lawo atlst ndilotukuka umathabe kumvesa kuti asolola koma amangapo kenakake koma ife anthu amasolola olo kugulapo kanthu koma ife amalawi nkumaziwa nkumangoyang’ana basi. Ine poyamba ndinali wa DPP kuli Dr Bingu mu term yawo yoyambilira n bwana analamulira bwino koma zinthu zinayamba kusintha chifukwa cha mahule ena pandale amene akhala akuipisa mu UDF omweo kupita Ku DPP kenaka Ku PP panonso ati anabwerera Ku DPP nde pamenepa amalawi anzanga mukuganiza kuti anthu amenewa amasintha chonchi zipani nkhani yake ya chitukuko yomweyi kapena kukabisala Ku boma olo kukaba. Siine wa MCP koma apapa kunena chilungamo ndi MCP yokha ingakwanise kumanga mbava zimenezi koma okhaokha a DPP sizingatheke kumangana

  2. Ine nkhani za anthu ngati awa zimandiwawa zedi zikamatha chonchi moti nthawi ndimalakala ndikanakhala msilikali wa udindo waukulu ine Dziko ilili ndikanaliukira.Ndibwezi ndikungolimbana ndi akatangale onse achina nankhumwa,mphwiyo lutepo ndi ameneyuyu powapha olo kulanda chuma chonse nkuthandizira ovutika.Zimandikhuza amalawi mmene timamuphera nzathu okuba nkhuku,njinga ndi zina zing’onozing’ono koma anthu okuba ndalama zathu zomwe Ku boma nkumangoyang’ana enanso nkumasapotera anthu ngati amenewa.Ku SA kulinso katangale koma Dziko lawo atlst ndilotukuka umathabe kumvesa kuti asolola koma amangapo kenakake koma ife anthu amasolola olo kugulapo kanthu koma ife amalawi nkumaziwa nkumangoyang’ana basi. Ine poyamba ndinali wa DPP kuli Dr Bingu mu term yawo yoyambilira n bwana analamulira bwino koma zinthu zinayamba kusintha chifukwa cha mahule ena pandale amene akhala akuipisa mu UDF omweo kupita Ku DPP kenaka Ku PP panonso ati anabwerera Ku DPP nde pamenepa amalawi anzanga mukuganiza kuti anthu amenewa amasintha chonchi zipani nkhani yake ya chitukuko yomweyi kapena kukabisala Ku boma olo kukaba. Siine wa MCP koma apapa kunena chilungamo ndi MCP yokha ingakwanise kumanga mbava zimenezi koma okhaokha a DPP sizingatheke kumangana

  3. Ine nkhani za anthu ngati awa zimandiwawa zedi zikamatha chonchi moti nthawi ndimalakala ndikanakhala msilikali wa udindo waukulu ine Dziko ilili ndikanaliukira.Ndibwezi ndikungolimbana ndi akatangale onse achina nankhumwa,mphwiyo lutepo ndi ameneyuyu powapha olo kulanda chuma chonse nkuthandizira ovutika.Zimandikhuza amalawi mmene timamuphera nzathu okuba nkhuku,njinga ndi zina zing’onozing’ono koma anthu okuba ndalama zathu zomwe Ku boma nkumangoyang’ana enanso nkumasapotera anthu ngati amenewa.Ku SA kulinso katangale koma Dziko lawo atlst ndilotukuka umathabe kumvesa kuti asolola koma amangapo kenakake koma ife anthu amasolola olo kugulapo kanthu koma ife amalawi nkumaziwa nkumangoyang’ana basi. Ine poyamba ndinali wa DPP kuli Dr Bingu mu term yawo yoyambilira n bwana analamulira bwino koma zinthu zinayamba kusintha chifukwa cha mahule ena pandale amene akhala akuipisa mu UDF omweo kupita Ku DPP kenaka Ku PP panonso ati anabwerera Ku DPP nde pamenepa amalawi anzanga mukuganiza kuti anthu amenewa amasintha chonchi zipani nkhani yake ya chitukuko yomweyi kapena kukabisala Ku boma olo kukaba. Siine wa MCP koma apapa kunena chilungamo ndi MCP yokha ingakwanise kumanga mbava zimenezi koma okhaokha a DPP sizingatheke kumangana

  4. Justice on paper! Thats it. You can tell by the broad smile in the photo, apparently while in a court room! Without passing judgement! I should warn everyone that God is watching!

  5. Wallet justice for the rich only. When people lose tfust and confidence in our criminal justice system you will what they will do

    Recently car thieves who happen to be children of rich people were released. What justice!

    At chichiri, maula and other prisons there are thousands whose crimes are laughable. Just because they are poor they languish in jail for years.

    Mutotiyenjezatu koma!

  6. Dpp ndichipani choti ndimachifila koma zimene wachita ACB ndi a court pogamula kuti Chaponda mlandu wozembetaa ndalama palibe aaaaaaa! izo ndie ndakwiya nazo kwambiri. mwati palibe genuine evidence. zamanyi. Nawenso Dpp undisamale ndi Chaponda wakoyo.

  7. Jasitisi sisitimo ya pa Malawi inonera mponda matiki. Well, after all how do you launder money that belongs to your own party and where you are merely a double locking cash chest kkkkk.

  8. Which evidence is lacking? If it were a poor person or rich opposition member, evidence could be found. That’s corrupt justice.

  9. Ndikumati mukufuna kumanga malawi wabwino pamene agalu ngati awa there left roaming the streets freely. Malawi sazathekanso basi.

  10. The case have been investigated for more than a year and today mukuti there is a lack of evidence………..pamene osauka tsiku loyamba ku court lomwelo no matter pali umboni or not they slapped with tough judgement………a sh****le country (Malawi)

  11. Chapondatu adabandalama ndi presdent sadadye yekha ndalamazo komaso ndikunenapano sangamumange, adzingo kambilanabas zitsilu zokhazokha izi

  12. i told u guys chaponda was just remoted control by a certain big fish or else he has donated more to his party

    anyway 2019 is around the corner we ‘ll see….!!

  13. Dziko lapansi limakomera anthu akatangale olakwa akuyenda mwa ufulu pamene osalakwa akufera kundende Tipemphe Mulungu kuti atiteteze kuti oipawo achite manyazi

  14. Remember what I told u people before? ACB took longer time of arresting him.He burried or covered his shenanigans.Maybe I might be wrong but my heart tells me noooo, the guy is so corrupt just like Peter & Chakwera

    1. Never trust any politician.Chakwera is not a good leader, now he might pretend & fool people around just like Peter & others but
      What is happening in MCP now reflects what the man is.Only time will tell, let’s wait & see

    2. Kungoti iweyo makolo ako madana ndi chakwera xodabetisa kwambiri muthu woti chibadware sangandetsepo boma ukamba kuti aba ndalama zaboma umakhala ufiti olo satanic.koma choti udziwe inewo ndikamuvotera.

    3. I have noticed some intolerance in his leadership as MCP president & that might not be good going into elections.Our politics is too much personalized in Malawi.Chakwera ,Peter & others, they don’t have revolutionary positive mindset.They got their education overseas with more European mindset , which is very difficult for them to understand the background or political life of African politics

    4. Iweyo ndiwe mbuzi yamuthu popeza chinkhalamba chakocho chalemphera ndiye umphakiza CHAKWERA kungovomereza kuti Mbwampini lsmukanika dziko sikuti mufa ayi nukhulupirira kuti iweyo sugona tulu pamodzi ndi Mbwampini .

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