US helping Malawi fight cholera

Malawi cholera.

The United States has said it will continue to assist Malawi government to closely monitor the extent of the cholera outbreak and make recommendations to control further spread.

According to United States Embassy in the country, the US Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in coordination with Malawi’s Ministry of Health and Malawi Field Epidemiology Training Program (FETP) recently initiated a cholera outbreak investigation with focus on Karonga and Lilongwe districts.

Malawi cholera.

“As part of the investigation, the team identified new cases and key potential sources and risk factors for the spread of cholera, collected clinical samples, tested household water for free residual choline, collected water samples for fecal contamination, provided lab testing kits and culture media to health centers, and distributed health education materials and soap to households in affected communities,” says the Embassy.

The aim is to control further spread of the disease in the country and cross-border transmission of cholera given current or recent outbreaks in neighboring Zambia, Tanzania, and Mozambique.

Cholera has been reported in districts such as Lilongwe and Karonga among others.

During the current rainy season, at least four people have died from the disease.