Chakwera abusing office – Analyst

Lazarus Chakwera.

A political analyst has said Malawi Congress Party (MCP) president Lazarus Chakwera is abusing office by not following the party’s constitution.

On Friday, MCP vice president Richard Msowoya, secretary general Gustavo Kaliwo and three other senior party members penned a letter to Chakwera accusing him of not abiding by the constitution and of dividing the party.

Mkhutche: There are cracks in MCP that need to be sealed.

Commenting on the issue in an interview with Malawi24, the analyst Wonderful MKhutche blamed Chakwera for abusing his office by not following the MCP constitution when discharging his duties.

“Chakwera is abusing office by overlooking the party’s constitution. As head of the entity, he needs to build the party around the accepted rules,” he said.

He also noted that there are cracks in MCP that need to be sealed since the issue of intraparty differences is now a disease.

“This is 2018. It is definitely a bad timing for the splits taking life in the party,” Mkhutche told Malawi24.

According to Mkhutche, MCP needs to be united if it wants to win in 2019. He observed that the party has a history of uniting within itself when such matters arise and expressed hope that the same thing will happen this time.

“If this is not the case, the party will once again fail to make it. There is a lot of homework the party needs to do. One of it is seeking a national appeal.

“This will be one of the deciding factors in 2019 bearing in mind that each of two strong competitors depends on a region for its votes,” he said.

Mkhutche then advised Chakwera to observe the laws of the party when discharging his duties.

“He is leading a party that has strong intra-party democracy,” he said. “That is a political asset on which a stronger party can be built on.”



  1. stupid pastor,instead of concetrating to god’s work,he is bussy with politics,jahena is waiting for him,angodzivuta a chakwera bomali lili ndi eni wake. MCP will never rule this country.

  2. stupid pastor,instead of concetrating to god’s work,he is bussy with politics,jahena is waiting for him,angodzivuta a chakwera bomali lili ndi eni wake. MCP will never rule this country.

  3. Chakela simunthu ngakhale ambili mukumati chakwrra ndi dhilu, i don’t know kuti mukugaganiza bwanji. Munthuyu ndiodzikonda

  4. Mcp is sinking in a lake called democracy. Koma ndiye yatha oyendesa bwato limeneli. Kuyesa Kamuzu a Ngwazi fwaaaaa!, Kapena Gwanda mwana wa Mphenzi, Fwaaaaa!, Mwina Tembo Obaba, Fwaaaaa! Kachikena Obabawo, Fwaaaaa! Paumaliro Chakwera the Reverend, Fwaaaa! Tiapaseso kachikena, chipwilikiti chabuka, namondwe akutchaya moopsa zedi. A Msabwe mukaona mkulu wa mpingo akumpasa Mbusa wake dothi kumanda ndiyekuti mwambo wokwilira ukuyamba. Final say ili ndi Reverend. Akati, “Fumbi ku fumbi” chptsatira adzukulu agwire ntchito. Ukafuna kufa olo anthu akulangwize bwanji sumamva.

  5. Let those who see that Dr Chakwera is abusing his office form their party indeed,as we have heard earlier that this is their plans

  6. Dictatorship is in MCP’s DNA. It gallantly fought against introduction of multiparty democracy in 1992.

    This spirit is still reigning in the party and every leader that assumes leadership position inherits it.

    The spirit of murder that reigned prior to multiparty democracy keeps on haunting Chakwera & the party.

    MCP will die an opposition party.


  7. MCP simunthu koma chipani,chimodzi modzi DPP,ndiye zoti MCP nkuzawina ndi nkhaza zomwe Malawi anawona muwulamulilo wawo ndizosatheka!,Chakwera sangasinthe kayendetsedwe kamcp!,fisi kuNkhotakota game reserve sangasinthe atapita ku Kasungu national park!,DPP moto moto!

  8. No, He Is Not. But Party Passengers, Lead By Gusitave Kaliwo, Chidzanja And Msowoya Are Abusing Him. But Mind You! Mcp Will Never Be Moved And Destroyed By Stupid Propagandas. Let Them Receive What They Are Receiving Bt They Shall Be Double Kicked. That Political Analyst 2, Wapatsidwa Sikono Frm Dpp And Ndi Nthawi Yawo Yoti Alemere Kma Cme 2019, Mcp, Bomaaaaa!!!

  9. there is a battle between *what’s urgent* and *what’s important*. right now what is important is that they should take power come 2019,these other people are doing all this out of jealousy coz Sidik Mia is to be a running mate. Like c’mon who else has better influence than him mu MCP? some of these guys will even struggle to win in their own constituencies. yes its urgent that he’s bypassed constitution but its not an important issue to address right now. fight to win 2019

  10. onse amene akuchemelela m’busa otaika ndi othawa nkhosa zamulungu popanga chigololo nd dziko alibe uzimu ena mpaka kusapota sidck mia aaaa kd mwabadwa dzulo et mukuphunzila ndale ndakuonani mia ife tinamuziwa kalekale ndikapilikon tafufuzan ndichipani chiti chotchuka chomwe sanalowe ndikutuluka

  11. Chakwera is totally lost!!! Go back to assemblies of God ministries and don’t curse the party. Yona tried to escape as you did but he failed, do not bring the pains to MCP

  12. If he can abuse a shithole party constitution now, would our shithole national constitution be safe should he become a shithole republican president come 2019!!!

  13. Koma anthu amenewa mmpaka kulemba kalata.why not just book appointment with Chakwera.Kaliwo & Msowoya salibwino kick them out b4 it is too late

  14. Chakwera is evil.Mcp is evil.MCP cant be voted into power.Malawians cant forget your evil acts.Fisi ndi fisi.Amalawi tisazapange mistake kuvotera mcp

    1. zowoonadi fisi ndi fisi DPP singasiye kuba, kupha, ndi kunama, for example 236 billion cash-gate, MSB-GATE, Maize-gate, Issa Njaunji murder, Chsowa murder, kutinamiza kuti ma blackouts antha before December 2017

    2. Ngati Malawi ili poor lero its coz of selfshiness of mcp.Am from mwanza bra…nduna munapha zija munaziponya kwathuku ndipo sindingachite kubetsa vote yanga to you evil people.Mcp takana.Chakwera takana

    3. What are u talking about when u say…..nduna munapha zija? Don’t forget one of your own true son of that soil was in the same MCP. He is now acting holier than thou.

    4. zikavuta nafenso amboni zayehova tonse tikavotela Dpp mcp idativesa kuwa ife kutiphela makolo athu kutimanga nyakula kutiotchela manyumba kutithamangisila kumozambique ndiye wina pano aziti kokoliliko! aaaa manyazi bwa mufa nd mtima padziko lapans kulibe boma lolamulidwa nd munthu losaba! thanga wafunafuna ufumu wamulungu m’bale wanga ndale mza achina muluzi tembo jb lucius pitala patricia dausi msowoya gondwe chihana ndiena otero osati awa ochakwela bwelelani kwamulungu inu munasankha kale musakhale ngati agalatiya opusa malipiro anu ali mmwamba muchedwa naz izi

    5. iwe wakumwaza wayiwala pang’ono dausi umamudziwa ndiye amapha anthu ndi mtaba muluzi wayouth uja H mussa ndiye mcp yapano mulibe mbola koma adapita dpp mpona pake mulusowetsaso anthu lero ndikuba wayiva ya mbusa wa dpp ku mzimba ose okuba ndikatangale kwawo ndiku dpp komwe kuli fumu yawo ukuti mwaza boy anthu otembeleledwa maso muli nawo koma osawona eee!!!

    6. Bwana Marko…Amalawi sitinaiwale and sitizaiwala.Inakakhala nthawi ya mcp ndithu izi sitikadalemba bwenzi mutatisowetsa kale.

    7. kkkkk akulu gwilani ntchito zolimba mudyese mkaz nd ana anu basi musachedwe ndindale panopa Dpp yavota kale mwina mudikile kuchoka kwa pta mu 2024


    9. Ndiye ndikuti ndi dausi amasowetsa anthuwo sichakwera ndiye dausi alikuti ndiwa mcp? komasotu pakadapanda mcp opeza kulibe dpp pakadapanda udf opeza kulibe multparty ufulu ulipodi koma ufulu%sikubela anthu sikuti anthu opondana azilamula okhaso ayiso tatopa ndi umbava watsikulilose inu simuchita manyazi?

    10. Ndiye ndikuti ndi dausi amasowetsa anthuwo sichakwera ndiye dausi alikuti ndiwa mcp? komasotu pakadapanda mcp opeza kulibe dpp pakadapanda udf opeza kulibe multparty ufulu ulipodi koma ufulu%sikubela anthu sikuti anthu opondana azilamula okhaso ayiso tatopa ndi umbava watsikulilose inu simuchita manyazi?

  15. So namadya Kaliwo and Msowoya are following the Constitution right?
    I wonder how much they have received from you know who to destroy democracy?

    1. Chakwela is failing to unite the party since he took that position, could he manage to unite the nation once he voted?

  16. Munthuyu mmngwamulungu uuyuu akungosowekela mapemphelo apadeladela ndikuzoza kuti mmphepo zamikwiingwilima mwina, tikutitu mwina mmphepo za mmdyelekezi zingathe kuchoka mwanjila ina zingathe kuthawa chipani mkuyamba kuyendanso monga kale tizingowamvesa zinazi zikamachitika siiowo ai koma mmphamvu zaa dyaabuu zomwe zaammkakamila mkuluyu

    1. Frankly speaking kaliwo is a thorn in the fresh to mcp the best way is to kick him out of the national executive committee.

  17. Musamunamizile kuti he is abusing his office koma kuti kuli anthu osokoneza ku mcp ngati uyu Kaliwo and kunena zoona he is not a true member wa mcp and pliz Mr Kaliwo leave mcp alone

    1. Ayi osati chakwera yekha enawo kupatula anuwa ndi abwino komasotu musatinyase zakukhudzani pati zanuzo akukamba ndan?poti kwanuko ndikuba ndikatangale basi eni akefe ndi tiligu awowo ngati ndinamsongole tizula tokha kapena muwafuna?tengani

  18. wayamba liti zimenezo m’busayo, musamunamizire ndiyekhayu ku MCP ali ndi tsogolo. ndiowopa mulungu uyu sangachite zimene mukunenazo, ndikhristu wathu odalilika uyu m’busa Chakwera ine ndakana akunena analyst wanuyo ndiwabodza.

    1. Kodi nkhaniyi yalembedwa ndi Kaliwo kapena Msowoya ngati, iyitu yabwera ndi Malawi 24 iwo akuti ndi political analyst ndiyemwe wawuzatu man musadanenawo anthu mwawatchulawo. Iwowonso ndi anthu anzeru zawo, ngati atawona kuti zinthu sizikuyenda bwino ayenera kudzuzula ngati akuchikonda chipani chawocho. Tsopano lero, inu mukudana ndikudzuzulidwa ndi nkhosa zanu m’tchalichi zomwe munalonjeza kuti muzaziteteza pamenepa nzeru zilipo?

    2. Kodi mu umamuliro wa democracy kuunikira ndi kudzuzula ndi zolakwika? Anthuwatu ndi akuluakulu achipani very very close to the leadership.

    3. Mr kaseko you mean kuti DPP ndiimene ikumutuma Dr chakwela kuti aziphwanya malamulo? Tatiyeni penapake pakalakwika tizivomeleza kuti tikonze kuti tisazalirenso

    4. Malemia ndawathokoza maganizo ako, kumeneku ndiye kulankhula kwa munthu wa mwamuna okhwima munzeru. Koma uyu Masekoyu alindi vuto la agogo ake, losafuna kudzudzulidwa, losamunkhululukira wina ngati walakwitsa wouma mtima, mapeto ake kumugwira munthu ndikumuponya munthumba kufufuzano misomali kuyamba kumukhoma pamutu kuti, khoo!khoo!khooo!mayooo ndikufa koma osalekabe uyu.

    1. They’re highly aiming at tarnishing the name of our hope. This issue is if risen, shall be sorted within the Party. Lets concertrate on the current govert. Support it, rebuke it where necessary.

    2. what did you just said frank? in opposition Laz is running s small show thats where he should convince malawi that given the power he can manage bigger things. honestly so far he has not convinced in mcp. how do we trust him wth our ever changing problems in malawi. disasters, water shortages, electricity and more?

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