‘Si ine ameneyo’ – zithunzi za m’busa wa CCAP kunyanja ndi ‘ka bae’ zivuta

Billy Gama

Kwatuluka tizithunzi ndipo tikufalitsidwa mu ma Fesibuku ndi mu ma WhatsApp umu.

Mu Zithunzi zimenezi m’bambo wina wachikulire wapanilila ka msungwana mu mphechepeche kunyanja.

Billy Gama
Anthu akuti bamboyu ndi a Billy Gama.

Anthu akuti bamboyu ndi a Billy Gama amene ndi abusa a mpingo wa CCAP komanso anali mlangizi wa a President akale a Bingu wa Mutharika pa nkhani zokhudza mipingo.

A Gama ndi munthu okwatila ndipo ali ndi ana, ena a msinkhu ofananilanapo ndi msungwana ali mu chithunzicho.

Koma pamene a Malawi ambiri agundika kuthotha a Gama kuti ndi a chimasomaso kapena kuti a chidyamakanda, iwo akanitsitsa kwa mtu wa galu kuti munthu ali pa chithunzicho si iwo.

A Gama ati anthu aupandu ndiwo ayambitsa nkhani yabodza choncho ati cholinga akufuna awaonongele mbiri.

“Munthu ali mu chithunzi chimenecho si ine ayi, n’kutheka tafanana pang’ono koma tsimikizani ndithu kuti si ine,” atelo a Gama.

Iwo apempha Mulungu kuti awakhululukile anthu amene akufalitsa nkhani imeneyi.

Koma a Malawi ochuluka akuona ngati mkulu ali mu chithunzi ndi a Gama, ndipo akudzudzula abusa.



  1. This is not true, Mr Gama is public figure, he can not expose himself in the open…a daylight character assassination.please stop attacking men of God.

  2. If he is not the one then some members of his church are evil, the messengers of Lucifer, who want to destroy him. Pastor open your eyes.

  3. Should he be in panick 4 being pastor nayese amafuna kuphaka lyf pankhozatu kukhala 1 jeno January kkk abusa kodya mmafupa mmafupa omwe kkkkkk panga zako aise

  4. Satana amafuna olimbikayo kuti a mugwese,Mbale zako ngati zili bwino usaweluze mzako koma mupemphelele kuti mwina chisomo cha mulungu chionekele.

  5. Musiyeni m.buss nayenso ndimunthu amava njala.amava kupweteka.amakhala ndi zilakolako zake.inu kozani chikhulupililo chanu kuti mukapulumuke

  6. Izo ndi zakunyanja ndi momwe zimakhalira. Mwaona zachilendo?.Apopo ndi pa crimax pakunyanja sizoti mupeze choyankhula chifukwa choti ndi a busa? Nanga mutakhala inu mukadatani?

  7. mau oti kuweruza kwa iye mulungu pasamakhale pothira anthu inu.. we are not judging him.. but as a man of God he has to live by example. lets not argue

  8. Kulowa ufumu wa mulungu kufunika kulimba mtima osati kungomuziwa Yesu basi ukalowa mmm povuta anthu ambili amamuziwa yesu koma amalephela kuzilesa pamenepo i

  9. My argument these days is simple. Most of these so called Abusa do not deserve to be called by that holy name, for most of them are just mere Historians who are able to tell biblical events. So my reaction when l first heard about the news was like ” oh! You mean another Historian of the biblical events has been caught in the moment? Thats carelessnes! How could he? That was my reaction.

  10. PALIBE vuto lililonse APA naye NDI muthu ngati inuo ndi ineo amafuna Ku joy mwina mai busao aopako Ku lake ndi Chifukwa atenga kena kake

  11. Who knows this guy deeply this aint strange.I just recieved another photo ndipo iyo si photoshop simunganame if u dnt blv me inbox will share you

  12. Gama akudziwa kuti iwo ndiotchuka, i don’t think kuti mpaka akalolere kukakhala ndi kachibwezi kaoko pa mbalangata like that & ndikukalola kujambulidwa iwonso akuona choncho. It’s not making sense at all. Iyiyi iyi ndi photoshop. He can’t be that careless.

  13. Kodi mukudziwa bwanji kuti ndi mwana anthu inu mwana ndi waka kuyambira pa wani kulekenza pa 16 kapena 18 uyu ngati immalowa simwana musiyeni munthu asangalala ndi mkazi wake

  14. Komanso kuyaluka ndi mwana wakukhonde bwanji,chilango tidzichiyambira pansi pompano kwinako kokangomalizitsa,nayenso namwaliyo khosi gwede nzoyalukazo,zachitika moteremu kuti alape,you become a thief once you are caught,tisamale ndi machitochito athu,kuweruza mkwake

  15. Mukat Abusa. Tawonan Zala Zikukulozan? Ndizitatutu? Ndiyeku Inu Ndiwochimwa Katatu Kuposa Abusawo. Amene Sanachimwepo Ndan? Nayeso Ndimunthu

  16. People of God such as these pastors should be treated with all available respect.
    Please,desist from writing such silly things before you are cursed by the power of God Almighty.Go fast and repent.

    1. How can this m’busa be respected yet he does not respect himself?m’busa mu boxer poyerayer apa?wanyazitsa dzina la Mulungu!

    2. Who are you referring as a people of God? You mean this Gama guy is also a man of God? No no..this guy is just wearing that title but for sure some of his nkhosas can be far better than him.
      People please ..don’t be cheated..this guy is a notorious womanizer.

    3. Whats photoshop thats going around.Are you aware of this?If thats what is taking place about the reverend,then I reapt dont play with men of God.

  17. Keep on updating us on different issues. Congratulations. Im looking for a peniple so find for me.

  18. Mafuso anga ndi awa: Abusawo ali pa banja kale ndi nkazi wina? Or is it adultory?,,nanga abusa akunenedwawo chithuzi chake ndichomwe mwaika pa mtundapo? Nanga amene amatumiza zithuzizi pa social media cholinga chake chinali chani? MW24 ndudikila mayankho anu.

  19. Penapake ndikuona ngati anthunu nkhani mwaipititsa mbali imodzi, mukungonena za uyo mukuti ndi mbusayo, nango ako mukuti ‘kabae’ko, kalibe vuto? Ndikuona ngati kachepa nazotu pamenepo… Mmmmmh.

  20. Zoipa sangavomere koma akanati awapeza akubatiza mwana. komabe ngati ndizoona, ayi ndithu munthu wa mulungu mulape kachete chete.

  21. Tisaweluze, ulendowu mngoyenda ndi mmtima. luka 21 ves 34 koma muziyang’anile nokha pakuti mungalemesedwe ndi maidyaidya ammoyo uno koma mau akuti muziyang’anile nokha musachedwe mkuyang’ana agamma

  22. Nde Mmalawi Ameneyu Opanda Zochita Iam Teling U Busy Photo Shopin Ma Pic A Munthu Wa Mulungu Anthu Mukapsa Ndimaliseche Omwe,

    1. Okay? Nde anasankha ntchito yolakwikatu. M’busa amakalika zomwe achita. Ngati achita opposite wa zinene akulalika, ameneyo si m’busa koma antichrist.

  23. Why can’t pple for once mind their own business? Anzako akupanga zawo iwe busy taking their pics secretely. Musiyeni munthu wayehova.

    1. eyetu ndi wayehova, koma iye akukana pamaso payehova yemweyo. waiwala kuti yehova, akumulondola kulikonse iye amapita ndi bae wakeyo.

    2. Amwene Ine Si Wa Ccap Koma Ngati Mkalasi Mudalowamo Kapena Ngat Photoshop Maiziwa Mutha Kuonetsetsa Bwino That That Pic Is A Photo Shop Not A Real Image Mwamva Ajafali?

    3. Ngati ndi ineyo ndayibweretsa pa page iyi, koma umuwuze yemwe anatenga zinthunziyo. ukudana ndichilungamo bwanji, kapena nkaziyo ndi iweyo umuwudze yemwe wachita post nkhani imeneyi osakhala ineyo.

    4. work up jafali this is not him look Sharp wamva ndimunthu wamulungu uyu respect him for God seek he has a family ? dnt be stupid on nonsense things

    5. kodi pamene amapita pamenepo, anayiwala mulungu bambo akowo? iwenso kuyambira lero, udziwe kuti ndi munthu wa mulungu ungachite zinthu zobisika tsiku limodzi anthu azakuwona mulungu akatopa nazo.

    6. Jafali Mkaziyo Siine Sindimapanga Zimenezo Koma Ndimangofuna Kukuunikira That Aliko Amalawi Osowa Zocita Ngat Apanga Iziwa Photoshoping Others Zikumatheka Ndima Computer Ozitsata Timazindikira Mwasanga Osaziziwanu Maipitsadi Mbiri Yaena

    7. He is him ,, cant u see ur selfs amene timamziwa billy Gama palibe china chilichonse chokaikila all we kno is this dat Billy nkhope yake ndimeneyoyo

    8. Photo Shop Timatenga Real Image Yamunthuyo Mkumene Ka Mkuphatikiza Ndi Ina Inu Simuziwa? A Emmanuel? Atenga Nkhope Ya Abusa A CCAP AGAMA NDI KAMKAZI MKUPANGA PHOTO SHOP ANTHU OSAIZIWA PHOTO SHOP ALI BUSY MA WATSAP MU Kuipisa Mbiri,nde Mmalawi Ameyu,ine Ngwa Living Waters Koma Bodza Ili Ndikulikana Computer Ndimaiziwa Tawanamizileni Zina Tipeze Chonena Chamzelu Not Photoshoping Yii Pleasee

    9. Si photo shop imeney. Mukusankha kutseka maso coz nd munthu wa mulungu? Mwni akut nd mistaken identity inu mukut ndyemweyo but its photo shop aaah the truth is ndyemweyo bac ena anawajambula Iwo atamasuka

    10. Amalawi Azanga Ine Ngwa Catholic Sanje Ndilibe,yes Nkhopeyi Nja Abusa Agama Koma Chinthuzichi Si Real Image Its Photoshop Amene Computer Amaiziwa Apange Screenshot The Photo Ndiye Mupange Paste Pa Excel,click Zoom Image Then Uwill B Told That Real Image Or Default The Computer Wil Tel U Sikumubakira Poti Ndi Mtumiki Wamulungu Man..AZitumiki Onse Amayalukawa?Achina Bushiri..Etc.. Tikaope Abusa Agama?..##chibisa desire,but This Iz Photoshop Trust Or Not..

    11. On another note, it is funny to read “ine si wa ccap”, ” ine ndi mkatolika”…No one hasn’t just said “ine ndi mkristu”, Chifukwatu kumwamba kulibe zoti “ine ndi wa ccap, kapena mkatolika, kapena wa ziyoni” Yesu akufuna MKRISTU. Ndipo awo kaya ndi iwo kaya sindiwo tonse tizadziwa tsiku lowerudza Mulungu.

    12. Anthuwa akutero kuti ndi photo shop, komanso Wezzie ndikuona ngati walankhulapo momveka bwino. Poyerekeza ndiwina wake, akufuna iye akhale ngati ndi mphunzitsi wanga asamale ndimudwanyula ndimau ndangomutsungira mau ake kuchipinda.

    13. Mukumbukira za mbusa uja amati ngwa LWC? Uja adati adaba galimoto ku NB, after some debate, mpingo wa LWC unabwera poyera nkunena kuti he is an ex, nanga mutani ngati mpingo wa CCAP unenenso zina apa…? Mmmmmh.

    14. Kaya ndizoona kaya zabodza but what I know is that we are humans not angels so let a human be as humans. Dont compaire a human and an Angel, and every 1 has his own weaknesses. Ena amene akulankhala zambirimbiri ntchito zanu / zathu ena sakuziziwa

    15. I beg to disagree with u much as he is human but this kind of behaviour along side man of God is uncalled for and very demeaning to the office of his calibre. Mind u he is not a general manager and had it been that he was doing this with his legitimate wife I dont see photos going viral but simply he chose za chikunja ndiye kuchikunja komweko wakumana nawo anzako a azachikunja. Learn that anything done by a public figure is a story hence a call for each and very jack in those shoes to be exempleray to letter

    16. Amene mukuchita challenge yerekezani mutumize chithunzi chanu ngati sindikuyalatsani mtakuonetsa video shopping yanu ya porno. Uwu wapanga izi watembereredwa. Imeneyi imatchedwa mature filtered photo yomwe simungathe kupanga recognise kuti yokwatiritsa ngakhale mutayika pa Access or Excel cant expose it unless software that we use. Send me your photo uyaluka ndithu. Touch not the annointed ones you will be cursed forever.

    17. Kodi ndiye kuti bible lija limanama zakuti palibe wabwino,koma tizapulumuka mwachisomo? This is to show that we are all humans. This is why ena amasiya nazo kupempera chifukwa munthu yemwe amkamuyika pa mulingo wosayenela munthu aziwa machimo ake

    18. Zikusonyeza kuti pa nkhani iyi pali anthu ambiri akutsutsa kuti sizoona ndipo akufotokoza bwino pa nkhani ya computer ndiye ena tikungopanga makani opanda phindu cholinga kuti nkhani ikome.sibwino kuipisa mbiri ya munthu muli ndi zifukwa zodziwa nokha

  24. Chochita kukonza chithunzi ichi. Chithunzithunzi cha dzuwa cha mkono wa mzimayiyu sichikuwoneka pa mkono wa mzibamboyu. Kwaine sizimodzi ayi zithunzi izi. Wina wangopanga


    1. Koma mwni wake akut its mistaken identity meaning anthuwa angofanana ndye inu mukut ndyemweyo koma angomuikilapo mkaziyo? Timvere zit..

  26. eya si iwedi, koma zinthunzizo pali nkhope yako ndi mai busa wachiwiri. nawenso ingoleka kutumikira mulungu basi, bwanji osazipatsira ulemu mpaka kukakhala pa dzuwa ngati pamenepa? inde tikudziwa zoti nanunso mumadya katundu, koma apa pokha satana yemwe anakulowayo ndiye anali mbulandadi mpaka padzuwa bae bwera kuno, bae bwera kuno hmm abusa ndichiyani kweni-kweni?

  27. palibe cholakwika apa azikazi abusa ena amachita mwano kwa amuna awo nde azikanika kukachinda kwina pamene iwowo akufuna kutelo kuwopa inuyo? pezani anu nanunso mudziwupeza ndikukuwuzani simudzaleka mukadzapanga chibwenzi inu.! tangoganizani ngati abusa afika pamenepa? ndekuti izi ndizokoma ndithu

    1. Et ? Palibe chomwe walakwa, akanakhala Dan Lu kapena Martse anthu sadakayankhula kanthu koma pot nd m’busa bas anthu azilimbana naye. Let him be, he’s living his life.

    1. akuzikanira nsomba, ati chifukwa anali m’mbali mwanyanja koma ameneyu ndi mbale ndithu. azikanira bwanji nsomba, pamene zinthunzizo ndizake.


    3. Olo Yesu atabwera nati iyi si photoshop, uzamva wina nati Yesu ndi wa nsanje. Anyway palibe kanthu kobisika padziko. Enanu patsiku lachiwerudzo mudzati “eee kani zinali zoona”


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