Opposition Malawi Congress Party (MCP) says it will transform the country beyond Malawians’ expectations once voted into power in the 2019 tripartite elections.
MCP President Lazarus Chakwera has made the claim saying what the party now needs is to mobilise Malawians to vote the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) out of power.

According to Chakwera, the DPP has been behind all the atrocities Malawi is facing owing to what the MCP believes is failure by the Peter Mutharika regime to implement ideas from critics and the opposition as well as the administrations ‘poor’ policies.
He says this is evidenced by lowering education standards, increasing unemployment, poverty among other things.
He has since asked Malawians to vote the DPP out.
“The nation now has enough reasons to vote this government out of power during the 2019 elections. Malawians are being taken for granted. This is very sad, says the opposition leader whose criticism of Mutharika has earned him rather rough descriptions from Mutharika.
He was at some point on the receiving end of insults from the president having said Mutharika was a pathological liar, and was also questioned on his credentials with Mutharika claiming he got his degrees from unaccredited universities.
Analysts however say there is need for the nation to shy away from politics that focuses on bringing each other down.
The MCP is the main contender against the DPP in the next polls.
The momentum within the opposition party was enlarged after the party claimed 5 out of 6 posts contested for in a by-election that took place months ago.
Analysts had told Malawi24 that while it was an indication that the MCP was cleaning its house to the will of Malawians, the party still needs to do more campaign to win the polls next year.
Attention please:
Today is January 7, 2018
31 + 12 + 7 = 50
Its the 21st century:
21x 50= 1050
Now we add the two Numbers:
1050+ 2018 = 2118900
As you can see this number has no meaning at all.
Thanks for your attention.
I no 2018 mcp boma
Zaboza they are just power hungry
Vote ndiyanu bwana chakwera
Who can transform Malawi ? Coz most of you said he can’t. Tayesa awo alephera ,awonso alephera, awanso alephera . who gona do for us .
Achakwela Alamulila Basi 2019 Boma!!!
Kupanda Mzelu Kwanu Takuonani A MCP
Moti Mugwile Ntchito Ndi Bomali Bwino,,,
Muli Bize Kuasokoneza.
Mukapusa Muzingosithana U President Kuchipani Kwanuko
Osakhala President Wadziko.
Kupanda Mzelu Kwanu Takuonani A MCP
Moti Mugwile Ntchito Ndi Bomali Bwino,,,
Muli Bize Kuasokoneza.
Mukapusa Muzingosithana U President Kuchipani Kwanuko
Osakhala President Wadziko.
Kunena zoona,,
Atlast malawi asankha mtsogoleri wolankhula chizungu chomveka,,,
Ive got no doubt that chakwela is going to win but my worry though mikhala kale andale ndaamene adzalowenso muboma,,,
Point of order
Dont wait 2019 start building toilets in some areas so thatwe can believ u that u can transfm malawi.
Mmm ndani amene wanena kuti azizapanga zodokonezayo
vote ndi ya chakwera ulamuliro wa banja limodzi watikwana tione zina,Munthu adzilakhula ngati alibe mano? kkk
Mmmmm not true they just need to be voted in power…. all politicians are the same….selfishness….greedy… you cant say you have the key to success… Only God has.. God said when the time is right I the Lord will make it happen… so God will help malawi to success. Not u Mr chakwera
You failed to invest in electricity in 40 years and we are suffering today because of you, you swindled public funds and invest in property in the name of Kamuzu, paja mukati zonsendama zimene nzakamuzu banda. You placed people from central region in strategic positions at capital Hill and they are still there, look at how you have made a chewable net work at Domasi college very nepotistic. How can I as a Malawian trust you this time?
Are you sure of what your saying? Electricity!! mmm no we had very power electricity by that time my dia,kafunsenso mwina sunavetsetse kwamene amakuuzawo
It’s simple sir how many people were connected to the grid now that many have been connected through MAREP.hence our situations. If the MCP had a vision the government would have used projected population figures to invest in electricity and by this time these problems would not have been there
Most welcome to our beloved district of Mangochi bwana,Viva MCP viva
This is Africa.. .. Transformation will not come until the attitude of people change…as a Leader or a party it’s very difficult and almost impossible to bring transformation in Malawi….
Very true Sir. You gat my vote in 2019.
God Bless Malawi & Take Out All The Gaters Away
ndilibe thawi yokavota chipani chamakolo ine MCP chani kodi,,,,,,Chewa opanduka ine ,,,bola soulosi yemweyu
Kod manifesto a Mcp alinawo ndani ndione ngati mmm..
You Are Good At Opposing,thats Agood Position For The Malawi Crocodiles Party,since 1994.You Will Never Rule Malawi.
MCP will rule Malawi believe me
Iya musatinyatse apa! Which mcp? Its only GOD who holds key to success for Malawi! Not you mbavas muuzane ndi anzako azipani zinazo mmm taoonereni amachita kukhala ngati one anabadwa kwa mai ndi Bambi m’modzi chokani apa mbaavaaa
we are tired of erusion, this is time of making erusion into tangible things. If abwana is really willing to transform Malawi beyond our expectations, he should starts now to coax our perceptions. but if not….
Zomwe zikuchitika pa Malawi pano ndi chibwenzi cha nkhwangwa pokwera koma potsika haaa, amene akulamulira panowa nawonso kunali kulonjexa zambiri monga izi:ndidzathetsa katangale,president sadzakhala ndi mphamvu kwambiri mphavu zidzakhala ndi anthu omuvotera,50+1erection reforms tidzaikhazikitsa ngati lamulo ndi zina zotero koma pano eee katangale eeeee,zikuyambira kuba ndinduna zomwezo,bill ya 50+1ndi ija anayipondereza ija,nepotism ili mbwee zoona munthu ungamusankhe lundu kukhala chairman was MBT? Pali mzeru pamenepo.cholinga akuti lowershire asese mavoti 2019.Dr Chakwera inuyo Kuthekera kowina muli nako koma mukonze timavuto timene muli nato mchipanimo,anyamata anuwo asamakhale ngati m’boma mwalowa kale,achepetse kumenyanira maudindo dziwani kuti fisi amaona apo pavunda khola kuti akabemo mbuzi.ndiye musawapatse mpata anzanuwa chifukwa dziko lawakana kale olo akuchita matukutuku choonadi akuchidziwa.
How?? In what way?? Be specific
he Will transform his stomach not malawi national
Even atanipopela Dom mukamwa sindinga votele MCP
Ilove mcp
Wherever in the world, ruling party cannot bow down to opposition wishes hence nothing he can offer now.
Let dem know
This is a country not a church my friend
Kod adikila alowe boma.kkkkkkkk
Kaya mwina
All politicians are thieves kaya ukwiya singapepese
A dream is not a vision.
Only God rules the country.
He must ask John Tembo and He wil get the positive answer on it
ndinu mbuzi za wathu cakwela ndiye ndaniso zakumatako basi.
Achakwera angasithe chani? Chichokereni m’boma mcp inathandizapo chani? Achakwera anathandizapo chani, amalandila ndalama mwezi ukatha anachitapo chani? Olo chikho champira, olokuthandiza olumala, ndiye akudikila adzakhale pampando? Ndiye ndi bwino kukhala ndi yoswa emweyu
kkkkk iwe watani kodi
Musavutike ndikutiuza, zitukuko zanu tinaziona kale in 31 years; nyakula, makadi, misonkho wa abambo okha, kudanana ndi mzibambo basi.
Unene mfundo zakozo tidziwunike gulukunyinda iwe.
If he failled to transform CCAP and Assemblies of God church wht more with Malawi as a country? Osatinamiwa apa! Yona mulungu sanathane nawe iwe though u run away from his duties!
100% true, nanga always kusolola Maize-gate, MSB-GATE, 236 billion cash-gate, Escom-gate, DPP blue night-gate, Beutfly Malawi NAC-GATE,
The only problem was choosing politics over God’s work
Thats it
So r u trying to imply that politics z devil’s work? May b
Mr Noel kanyumbu, it becomes the devils work when you are forced to abandon God’s flock……by the way the way we hate, badmouth and we wish the other will fail or even die here in Malawi I may imply that yes it is the devil at work
Chakwera still needs wisdom from the same God to lead his people_ Malawi.
God remains God. Who ever rules Gods people is a man chosen by God, Unless u tell me Apm is getting wisdom from the devil to rule Malawi
Well I would rather start with the mudslinging malawi politics, jump ship and start preaching Jesus Christ than do things the other way round, but then we understand things differently, we even know God differently
vote yanga ndi ya peter muntharika osati chakwera. maloto achakwera otenga boma ayiwale ,komanso palibe chimene angapange ngakhare titamupatsa boma
vote yanga ndi ya peter muntharika osati chakwera. maloto achakwera otenga boma ayiwale ,komanso palibe chimene angapange ngakhare titamupatsa boma
Auze man
Chakwera bas aujen atikwana we should change our politics now zomat am a lomwe so my vote will go kwa aujen zithe we should vote only for the better of our country of a tribe
Kungothi MCP yawina tidzanya manyi ndikuwuzeni
Akabweze kaye chachikhumi chomwe anathawa nacho ku church If not azilalatila pabench pompo. D P P 4 life
4 life but no development still stealing
Kkkkkk mbatata za dpp zikuopa bambo awo kaundindo kawathera akaluza
Typical lomwe DPP boot licker
Mulira simunati apopo mwangoyamba
Mzimayi koma ovetsa chison,aaaahh ithink sukudziwa chomwe ukunena
Ndikudziwa chomwe ndikuchita sindigafele zaiwe poti ndiwe wa M C P
That’s True Mr President
As it stands am not sure if MCP is the right party to take malawi forward, but the truth is that DPP has failed miserably no doubt about that! Atleast malawi needs someone who has never been on political scene, someone who has no elements of offering political refugee to culprits. Someone who will always prioritize national development over this useless tribalism and individual economic gratification
Dyson you kno what to do,we all need change
Do you thing you can go to the village to take a farmer to drive acar without training? Don’t mis the point
Oooyah right…!
Will support you into power. My vote will count
Mr chakwera fansani osatha za mkamwa ai? Anzanutu amatero kunena mu kapeni yawo choncho anthu adawasankha komano zomwe amalonjedza zija zina zakanika kudzichita, tero mr chakwera ife amalawi sindikufunanso kumva manifesto ena ali wonse kuchokera kwa zipani ai tidzavota baasi. Inu andale mulungu adzakulangani chifukwa cha bodza lanu tero chenjerani mulungutu akukuonani ndiiiiithu.
if u go and vote ndiwe wandale udzalangidwila limodzi
Watopa ndi pelekanipelekani uyu
Say something sir
chakwera ndiye ndani,amazikonda Ali mkulu wa assemblies of God ndiye boma akwanisa kuyendesa ameneyi,mufuna abweretse makhadi,njoka ndi njoka basi,sanvalamulile dzulo lamalawi,analumbila kutumikila mulunga sizandale ata .
Tudziwa kuti muthu waku simungakambe zabwino zachakwera adayamba nda agogo anuwa
If 2019 muzavota A MCP nokha nokha nde chakwera di azawina but kuzatipatsaso Mpata oti nafe tivote nde nkulu yi Pastor yi ayiwale zowina…….Just wait en see
muziti mpata obela osati ovota kumbukilani kuti simudawinepo mumalamulila kamba ka umbava koma 2019 tithana
Olo kuzabela bola tizawine bas
koma ukuwoneka kuti ndi agent wambwampini mawu achakwera amulasa nanga nkhani imodxi macomment mpakana asanu
Mayaz but chakwera always talk no sense so tikuyenela kumayakha kt sangawine ay
aphepo ndinu mukukhula nonsense ndi mzanu bwampini kkkk paja ndiwe cadet shaaaa usandibwelele ndi zikwanje zako apa kkkkk shaaaaa athu opanda masophenya povata amavuta dzabeleni kkkkk
ngakhale sindinayambe nda votako bt only 2019 I wi try my best so that Dpp must bi out in power ineyo vote yanga ndamupasa Chakwera
That’s true,as Malawians we have tried other parties bt now we have seen that MCP did a lot to develop this country. Am going back to my roots come 2019
what kind of developments are you talking about
Tiyeseko Zina Apa
Zoonadi ine ndidzavotera chakwera basi
mukukanika kutchetchetsa ku headquarters yanu ku city centre dzimaudzu thoo.kukanika kugula zikwanje zotchetchera ndiye muziti mudzatukura dziko.imakukanikani assemblies of God ndiye boma mungatani inu.just take a look now at assemblies headquarters just opposite bwandiro turn off eeh anzanu akumanga sheafer hall ija mumakanika kumanga ija.mudangomanga polowera.fortunately you cant win a national election
Asathe mau ovoter ndife unaonabwanji ma by election mpaka Ndirande WO!
Akungoyakhula basi alibe maplan aliose
umayidziwa ndirande iwe? alomwe ali thoo mungawine MP ku ndirande a mcp.the by election was just the bad candidate.
Word Up,ma politicians ose ndichoncho pano,olo atati awine,mavuto sangawathetse chakwerayo,n to make it worse,akafuna kt azilemeretse kaye,mxwuu
Accept the defeat…bad candidate ndiye kuti chani. Apm next year muzawanenaso bad candidate ndithu mbambadi
Guy if urslf u wil nt vot hm ifeo tzamvotela bas
Against to ur point Mr Chakwera…u will never rule this country believe me Mr!!!!!!!!!! If I’m a real Malawian en a Voter,mmmmmh u will never succeed
iwe ndwe mulungu?
Are you God@ Grant
Nde if I am not God end inuso Ur not God!!so lets See 2019 bas not kt muzipanga pretend like ngat kt chakwera wawina kt muzavota ndinuo ndi banja lanu dziko lonse la Malawi..just wait en see
kkkkkkkk, koma nkhani ngati izi kkkkkkkk anthu aku mpoto amanditsangalatsa ma coments awo , mukudziwa kale kuti dziko la Malawi silingalamulilidwe kapena kuzalamulidwa nd atumbuka
Mfiti uyu…udzayaluka pa fb pano dzina lako ndasunga
Iweso ndi mfiti banda opusa iwe uzayaluka ndiweo wava??
just wait & C …..nothing is impossible brother
just wait & C …..nothing is impossible brother
Grant ukunena zoona. As long as am alive Chakwera will not rule this country.
Anthu osadziwa history mumapanga ma sweeping statements! do u know who the next presidents of malawi will be in the next 20 yrs? the dpp would never have been a ruling party without bingu pulling a daylight fast one on unsuspecting bakili. dpp rode on udf structures mind you and in politics all things are possible. yes you are and cant be God
Which history did u talking about?,history of Malawi or south Africa or England? Shame on u #kandiwo kapiseni bisai chikwakwa..if u talk about history of our own Malawi we know it well,palibe ungatiuze iwe en according to ur name I think ur not a real Malawian ndiwe refugee so usatisokoneze za dziko mathu tikuziziwa tokha….
And if umadana ndi DPP kuchokwera Ku mtundu kwanu nde upsadi mtima 2019 tikulowaso boma wava#kandiwo# if ur a relative to chakwera ukamuze kt tilipo anthu ena sitazavotera iyeyo…du u think chakwera is 100% sure sazalakwisa….sanje nde yakuchulukilani a Malawi ena malo mongomuza munthu zomwe walakwis kt akoze but ur still kunyoza kutukwana nde ife tudana zimenezo thus y we r still loving APM en Forever Love Him….iweo kuteleko sungandiuze chochita olo kusitha maganizo anga
Mcp will never rule malawi again.
no matter what u can say or insinuate youngman, you are are still ignorant of malawi politics! our political landscape can change anyhow. it is possible to vote out a sitting govt. go back to schoolboy and pore through historical journals and books! you dont appreciate voting trends in malawi. be soberminded and if u think am a refugee for mere having a name like that, which am proud of and wont drop, then you are as much a bloody refugee as well in as much as we dont have original malawians around, who were the dwarfs or akafula if u give a damn! mphepo. learned men dont make such statements! anything can happen in politics! there have been leaders who came and went. anyone can have a go at the presidency and win if God wills or depending on the political environment at a time of voting! be wise, tactiful and versatile in your arguments! your neurotic hatred of chakwera wont make us develop bp either or wont make us cease loving him. be a fan of objective political engagement boy!
If you are God, Mcp will never rule again.. But if you are not God, MCP will one day come back to power
just let phepo talk its like wind passing in tree branches it makes sound bt whn u look into it u c nothing so if he say akudana ndikutukwana better tell zat to cresseda geff and her dpp(deal pompo pompo) As long as I breath Mcp will carry the day viva Dr chakwela viva mcp
MCP has good policies I know very well. When it was in power things were much better. We had almost all modes of transport namely, road transport, air transport and railway. Those who were students by then, there was provision of concession tickets. Students were paying half fare from and to schools. We had also vibrant irrigation schemes. We were transporting fuel and other materials through railway transport and things were cheaper. List goes on and on………
If things were better then, why did you vote them out of government?
Which good plan do u know
If I may ask you, why did God send Israelites to exile? Does this mean that God stopped loving them? The reason is the same my dear.
Things where better yet people could even afford tchele even soap?
Muli ndi zaka zingati abwana? Ma plan mukunenawo munangomva or munawaona nokha?
We had no minibuses.no cellphones no nyumba zamalata most of the areas had no good roads selection to secondary school was minimal let alone university and population was small We were about 6000000 people only
Ndine wamkulu mokwanira ndipo maboma onse ndakhalamo ndipo ndaona ubwino ndi zoipa za maboma onse. Zonse ndikunenazi ndi zoona ndi maso anga osati zakumva. Zomwe ndingaone ine patali ena a maso openya pafupi sangathe kuonapo. Ndithu bwana wanga!!!!!
For mini buses yes we did not have but we had circular buses all over cities and were affordable. As for the secondary school selection, how do you expect a large number to be selected yet you said we were only 6 million people? And if u can go into demographic factors u could easily tell that there was a good balance of demand and supply.
#Joe Paliani you are 100%right.
#Stevie Mukapata Kaliati tinene kut magalimoto akugula anthu wa akugula ndi Peter? Why you speak as those cars ,cellphones u mentioned above are being bought by government?
Kkkk Joe Palian mukumbukadi
Ha ha ha sindingaiwale ammwene.
Ma Party 4eva !!
Chimunthu cha nzelu ichi kwambili amalawi akangomusempha 2019 basi pamalawi pano chabwino palibe
M C P ndi Boma kale mu 2019, Dpp tiyikhaulitsa!
So we should wait until you voted into power, can’t we join hands and transform this nation together? Why you politicians play with our minds?
Mbwampini amakana amati wapakeriyala sayimba belu
we must wait until 2019 kkkkkkkkkkkkk
Muzasinthedi Malawi its hearding to the lake
it’s very possible.. God 1st as we know u
MCP my vote
That’s The Daily Song Every Political Leader Sing To Malawians When They Want To Be Voted.But I Tell You Politicians, You Can’t Make Malawi Better.It’s Only God Who Can Transform Malawi In Each And Every Individual’s Soul, To Those Who Repent.
Remember That God Use Human Being To Perform His Duties
retrogressive thinking….
retrogressive thinking….
If God want to change Malawians he will give us God fearing Man with the heart for the poor people. He can not change us through thieves.
Alick Benesi …. Don’t spiritualize everything. The Hindus of Indian, the Buddhists of China, the Koreans, The Russians the Wests who don’t even believe that there is God are enjoying development. Don’t just sit, typing amen and i receive waiting for miracles NO, work hard and use your money wisely.
God Is Not In World Politics.It Is The Devil Who Is In Politics.World Leadership Is Under The Devil, God Can’t Chose A Man Into World Leadership,its By Demons Whether You Believe It Or Not!
awanso ndi atitsuse basi