Pharmacy technician steals surgical gloves


Criminal Investigation Department (CID) of Central Region Police Headquarters on Saturday arrested Evans Mkulunga, a pharmacy technician at Lilongwe District Health Office for stealing 30 cartons of surgical gloves worth MK1.5 million.

The Police learnt about the theft through the Director of Drug Investigation Unit at Lilongwe District Health Office.

LilongweAccording to Central Region Police spokesperson Nolliette Chihana, on Saturday, the suspect took the gloves and delivered them at his house in Likuni using the Ambulance Land Cruiser registration number MG 597 which was being driven by Rafig Tewe.

Chihana told Malawi24 that the police were informed about the theft and later in the afternoon they arrested the suspect at his work place.

“Meanwhile the driver of the Ambulance which was used to ferry the gloves is at large. The Police have so far intensified investigations to arrest the driver as an accomplice to the crime,” Chihana told Malawi24.

The suspect is expected to be taken before the court to answer the charge of theft by public servant which contradicts Section 283 of the Penal Code.

Meanwhile, the Police are appealing to members in the civil service and the public in general to desist from embezzling public health resources saying that such malpractices are retrogressive and detrimental to government’s policy in quality health delivery.


Evans Mkulunga, 45, hails from Naphazi village, Traditional Authority Mchiramwera, Thyolo.



  1. zomawapasa ma low salary, while u knw, aperson z dealing wth goods worth pple’s tax si boh….. Mgt……

    ….. Wrong a….. Pharmacist….. Jst deserve death by hanging

    ……azatengeso medik kuno anandipasa kuchipatala sinamalize, akagulise , it can worth btwn K400 to 900.

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