Malawi Police Service says it will not tolerate any police officer found demanding money from suspects in the name of bail which is for free.
Central Region Commissioner of Police John Nyondo made the remarks in Mchinji during a station executive committee meeting aimed at developing ideas on how security can be enhanced in the district.

Nyondo said the police service wants to get rid of people’s mentality that police officers are corrupt.
He explained that to make the move effective some of the corrupt officers have been arrested while others have been fired from the service as a warning to others who have the same habit.
The commissioner then commended the police service in the district for reducing crime to 15% from the month of May to October.
He therefore encouraged them to keep on tightening security in the district.
He however warned chiefs in the district to avoid wrangles among themselves since police waste their time with such cases instead of other duties.
Police officers, traditional leaders, chiefs, village headmen gathered together with other stakeholders at the meeting.
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U say so but horrible liar full of bribe stupid police
Akudyera momo
bwanji mutayikapo # yanu kt tkamafunsidwa ndalama pa bail tzkuymblan ? kama mwangopeleka warn why ?nanga kd mudzaziwa bwanji anthu akukamizdwa ndalama?
Zikanachita bwino pakanakhala number yoti anthu aziimba pakachitika zimenezi mwina zitha kusinthako zinthu
yacholembera kaya!!!!!!
Munayambira muja pali chomwe chasintha
Bail ya police ndi ulele koma ya wa police **************gwira bango
Since longtime you’ve said like that but people still paying for bail out
Ku Limbe Police kut M’bale wako atuluke timalipira 5000 zaulerezo mukunama umboni ulipo ngat MUKUFUNA mundipeza
Chabwino ndi choyipa Uma chiziwa ukalakwa
Tsopano mukati yaulere adakuuzani ndindani kut cholemberacho chimakhala cholandira pa station po?akunenayo ndimunthu okuti adadya adatopa nazo pano samangaso ayi kufuna kut Constable asamwe Green et?kodi mumasangalala mukamawona apolice anu akumwa kachasu et?kkkkk kulibe bail yawulere mangodwa ndipo uzapeza yakho lake
Ife kudabwatu ma constable kumamanga ma mansion
Ngakhale Wina Atapita Kukadandaula Ku Police Kuti Auje Sanandipange Kalibu Nsima, Akhoza Kukamugwira Omanayo..! Kuti Amutaye Amuuza Apeleke 20 Pin Ya Belo. Anazolowera Ziphuphu Awa Akulemerera Momwemo!!
mwaxowa cokamc et mmat akakudyelan kutko ma 2 kwacha mmaliplawo.
Where do you get all these shit u post every hour?
Ambiri asiya nchitoyi inu zoona zimenezo akadya achani awa kkkkkk koma peter leave them to try
Well most people know that bail is free but wen you get arrested and u spend a day or two inside sell whether your guilty or not the fist thing that comes in your mind is to go home to your family and get it over with you don’t worry about the cost you worry about spending another hour in that shit hole.you can demand that when your free but not when your in their hands they are bosses at that time.I think it can only work if we educate them and pay them well to minimise corruption among them
I’m not sure police bail is free in Malawi unless the suspects is related to Officers they speak one language trust me!
ha ha ha alipo saziwa kuti ndiyaulele but we still pay cos everthing has a price
Everyone knows police bail is not free
Yeah sure deal wth them
Kwa jali apolice amaziwa kuti bail ndiyaulele?ife timaziwa ngati ndichocho muzabwele,muzawaziwise plz
Mwadziwa liti zaziii, mesa ndiye kudya kwanu
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It is happening everyday. Go and stand aside at Police stations and watch. I have a case of Luwinga Police Station.
Komano the government pay them less money and what do they expect? Corruption…. Even suspects are treated badly and abused and at the end of the day they pay just to get out of the pithole… Alot must be considered
Zinayambika liti kunenedwa zimenezo, palibe nkhani apa
Mungokamba,bail yaulere? amachita kunena mupeleke kenakake!
Its Impossible Only The Rich Deserves Bail! Prisons In Mw Are For The Poor People! All Chapondas Are Free! But Why Malawi? The Poor Will Remain Poorer, The Rich Will Be Richer!
That’s a welcome development! Though there is no provision whc surport that, sec 118 and 119 of the criminal procedure and evidence code never mention any word like FREE, but the word fixed sum of money was written! so our Laws need to b amended!
Inu musatisokose pano ngati mukudziwa kuti akulakwitsa go and arest all thats bail cashgate
Ukafuna za ulere ku police sungatuluke pa bail. Aliyense amalipira.
Ndiye adya chani?
mmmmmmmmm mmhuuu asamatinye awa sife ananso omalaunga analakatula kale kuti siiananso awa
asamatinyengenso awa mmmmm mmhuu
Thandizani police yanu kuti nayo ikuthandizeni
Hahahahahahahahaha even in the Bible anachita kulemba trust me Mathew 5 vs 25 tisamanamizane nditokha timayambitsa tikafuna m’bale wathu kuti atuluke mwachangu timapisamo tokha mthumba osakuwuza.
I just saw my shoe Maker wearing the shoes I gave him to repair,,
I asked him’ Why?
He said they’re on road test….
has anyone received his bail or part of his bail money back after accomplishing his Court proceedings??? kkkkk eish
Kodi malamulo a polisi ya Malawi amayenda bwanji?mbuzi za a polisi.
There is what you call POLICE bail it’s suppose to be free. But people don’t go out freely. Officers demand corruption fee
Inu Mwasowa Nkhani Eti,anthu Ngati Achaponda Bail Ndiyaulele Koma Womuganizira Kuti Wakuba Nkhuku Amalipira 10 Pin,akunama Komanso Uku Ndikutitukwana Ambuye Akuwona Ayankha.
Inu Mwasowa Nkhani Eti,anthu Ngati Achaponda Bail Ndiyaulele Koma Womuganizira Kuti Wakuba Nkhuku Amalipira 10 Pin,akunama Komanso Uku Ndikutitukwana Ambuye Akuwona Ayankha.
am not sure if this malpractice is ended.. malawi ndi malaw sazasitha!!
Here in Lilongwe at Njerwa people pay for bail not less than Mk5000 . So dont say police bail is free osamanamiza anthu.
Mmm…zosatheka azitibelabe
Ok tamva! Koma tkudziwa is for free kwa awo ofufuma mimbawo, mchuno amamangila neck-tie, anamageya anyezi {chapondalism}.
Nanga ife opanda mainafe mmmmmm ……. 4 freeee???
Mesa amalemba receipts no problem
kafunse anthu omwe analipira bail ku police ngati anapatsidwapo GR. ndalama yakenso imapelekedwa mokwinya!!
Iiii mukanaziwa mmene yakwelela bail yaku police zoti anakweza inu simukuziwa?
the crime of police offcer’s friend dnt gve th bail…
Cheni cheni akufuna kunena apa mchiyani??,ndindani osauka anatulusidwa pa bail osapeleka ndalama??,zibwana eti kusowa zoyankhula??,palibe lamulo lomwe mumalisatadi pa usauka,kapena mumatitenga ngati ife ndiye mapeto ake oti muzitipatsa zilango chifukwa tilibe maina.Zopusazo tsiku lina muzasiya kuyankhula chifukwa cha amphawi.Mwafatsa pazikopa,mukuona ngati Chauta analakwitsa ena kukhala osauka kapena kukhala opanda maina oziwika.
Kkkk mw
The bail must be only issued in court. Bail and fine are two different things. They must be specific because its only court can decide if you qualify for bail out or not. For example if the investigations are still in process it mighty jeopardise the process. So don’t just say in general bail is for free. State the reason. That’s why ID is needed so that when they release you on bail they can write down you particulars and see if you are not a flight risk.
Makape alondawa,,, mxiiewww!!
eeeee kkkk find out by urself
Pamenepo mabwana mukhwimitse
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sizingatheke ulele mpaka
Uuu apolice andipasa bail la zovala
no matter what, wakuti tchaja ndalama za belo
Zapakwamwa sibho, apolice sangasiye
Comment ‘RESERVED’
Chaponda anamusiyatu,siomwewa anthu ake????????
bodza ili a Malawi Police, at any police station anthu amapatsidwa bail after paying.
That’s wrong bail must be only issued in court on your first appearance and depending on case and investigation
We the poor ppo we a the ones suffering from this malpractice something must be done quickly before it is too late for this law brakers
Tell them we all know bail from cops it’s free koma kuchokera ku court we need to deep inside our pockets mangani anthuwo
Agalu awa
Agalu awa
Mmmm ndakaika anthu amenewa amangowawata zoti bail is free koma akulandira ma kwacha heavy,,,,ine musandinamize bail siyaulele
zoona no money no bail
kumangidwa kokha ndi kwa ulele
palibe ku Malawi amatuluka free bail, they charge us plenty money like it’s a business for them, even us as a poor people beg for a mercy they turn they faces out of us , now u saying bail is for free, okay lemme say yes is for free by words…….
samamva awa too much corruption
Mmmmmh pali munthu amene amangotuluka osalipira bail ife izi timangova koma am not sure
Is it ndiyetu alipo ambili
Ili ndiye bodza alonda akunyasalande ndi akuba amadyela momwemo sadzasinthaso