Blantyre Water Board (BWB) is yet to start the project to tap water from Likhubula in Mulanje to Blantyre due to continued resistance from residents.
The project that was scheduled to start on 1st September has been postponed to 18 September according to authorities as a grouping under the tag Citizens for Protection of Mulanje Mountain has vowed not to allow commencement of the project until BWB plants trees on 35,000 hectares of catchment area of Likhubula River.

The project has also been rocked by disagreements with the contractor SMS Paryavaran.
However, BWB spokesperson Priscilla Mateyu disclosed that the disagreements are minor and that the board has started planting trees on the catchment area.
Malawi government launched Likhubula water project with finances from the Indian Line of Credit through Exim Bank with a $23.5 million (about K18 billion) line of credit to finance it of which 15 percent will be from Blantyre Water Board.
The project followed reports of water shortages in the commercial city of Blantyre, as the population is growing rapidly while water infrastructure remains the same.
Likhubula water project is also expected to supply running water to people in Mulanje and Thyolo.
Alibe ndalama a bwb asanamepo apa
Tengani zikwapu mukakwapule yense akulepheletsayo mpaka akalire chakwao kuti akadziwe simukucheza kaya akuyambitsa ndi president wao oduka mutu uja Wandale
kkkk paja mtsogoleri wao ankati ku MJ iwo amadalira nyanga. Nde mwina a BWB aopa zimenezo kikiki
This is real, small things cause opposition. Sit down with the native and find the way forward.
Munthu alibe munda , he cries to you inu kumati ndiopenga. Let us remember Thyolo and Mulanje, all land covered by tea plantations. Any unproductive land should be bought for these people. Samanena koma Ali ndizopweteka
ngati kuli waterboard yolephera the whole malawi ndiye ndi BWB
Mmmmm zakhalanso bwanji
aaaaaa rubish,wht resistance
kunja kwatetha zayambika