A total of 36 girls who dropped out of school in Phalombe due to early marriage or pregnancy have returned to school.
This is according to Concern Worldwide Project officer for Right to Learn project, Mphatso Magwaya who confirmed the development to the local media.

Magwaya said through various structures at school and village levels a lot of girls are being withdrawn from marriages.
“There is a tremendous improvement among some parents as they are no longer resisting to terminate child marriages in their respective areas,” said Magwaya.
She added that there is a challenge of late reporting of sexual violence to the police among parents, a situation which is compromising evidence in court.
According to Magwaya, of the 36 cases that were reported only 12 have been concluded in court while the others are delaying due to lack of substantial evidence, thereby giving room to perpetrators to be freed by the police or courts.
Dzenje primary school in Khongoloni Zone received a total of eight girls who dropped out because of early marriage and pregnancy.
Attributing the development was Headteacher Nelson Teputepu who said this is as a result of good working relationship between the school and the community.
A consortium of three non- governmental organizations – Concern Worldwide, Women’s Legal Resource Centre and Theatre for a Change – in 2016 rolled out a project dubbed the Right to Learn project to create a safer learning environment for marginalised girls in Phalombe.
Kunena chilungamo izi sizoona mungowapusisa akaz apa ngt banjaro amakhala movutika mwina angathe kutero km akapusa sadzalipezaso banja azingopatsidwa ana buc 4ever auzen zochita zabwino anthu or mukanat amene akwatilana banja lisamathe mopanda zifukwa zoveka mwina mukanat uzikhala mulandu ndicholinga chot mabanja azilimba
Kungolimbana ndi za zii fisi ndi fisi basi chizolowezi chimapweteka
Mmene ma banja akuvutilamu azayambileso one Ku kwela mapili?
To be impregnated by their teachers again this tyme around…!
Munthu umakumbukira kuti chimanga chokazinga ndichakudya pamene mano ulibe koma ukakhala ndi mano sudya,same as kukumbukira xool after mavuto atakukwana zosapindula, ukufuna kuzakhala malemu ophunzira
Who had forced them on the first place to abandon school
inu analenga katundu ameneyu ndiwoganiza kuposa inuyo u can’t tell someone who knew about sex that he or she that they should stop playing that game enanutu munakwatilana musakuziwa chinachilichonse ndikutchuleni maina anu? ndiponso ana aja si anu ayi
okay will u give them there needs? tisamapange zinazi kungofuna kutchuka palibe anthu amene amakwatirana popanda kugwilizana tsono ngati pali ana muwatenga inu kapena mukawapereka kwa madona? ogwilila amangidwe those 36 families they made there choice are u sure if u told today that muwasiye awo will u accept?
zautsiru bas palibe angabwelele Ku sukulu aaaa inu or munene zimenezo. Koma simuthandiza mkomwe ndiye akazi azivutika zoona bcs sukulu ahaa pezani zina zochita
BUT Didn’t withdrawn sex mix kulela mwaziziwa
U pple seem not to knw what a progect means it means these girls will be monitored and assisted with their needs
Ku Malawi umbuli ndi osayamba
For how long will that sustain?Why dont they invest in their minds?
Athawako pompano mesa alilawa kale Banja
Wachake ndi wachabe akatenganso ana ena kumeneko
No more here in tz, to my side i think it’s good once a mistake go for ever
kkkk bola akhale anzeru
Kkkkkkkk koma nkhani yanuyi?
Ngakhale Abwelera Kuxool Palibe Chimene Angapindule Bcz Matupi Awo Azolowela Zogonana. Ku sukuluk kuliso anyamata nd aphunzitsi amene atakadyelere maso paio. Chiganizo Cha Sukulu Chamabungwe Pamene Mwini Kubanja Zitheka?
Eeee koma nkhawa iñe.alawa ncheletu awa inuuu!!
Kkk Somethings are fun to be heard, Why not teaching them how to manage small businesses and help them with capital develop their families for a better life. With your idoltic thoughts do you think school solve every calamity, Mbuli zophunzira utsiru uli thoo, this is f”” development.
Aganiza mochedwa wa xul akhale ku banja konko basi azitunga madzi xul yakanikapo
tiziwatsatira konko! you better to close their vagnz to avoid us not only withdraw them from their families.
Phalombe wake kuti bwerani ku Namba kuno mudzawachose amother group alephera kuthesa ati mmbanja muli kukoma akutero anawa
Koma mbuzi ikalawa mchere ? Their mind is still preoccupied with marriage life.
These girls have already had the test of honey, wont they go back to the guys themselves? Wat happened to the traditional agreements? Nullified?
Pemene awachotsapo aziwathandiza muzofuna zawo,chifukwa atsikana ambiri amakwatiwa chifukwa chosowa chithandizo.amafuna azizola mafuta abwino,zobvala zabwino zonsozo muziwapangira..good project
Akatengakonso ana ena inu pheeee
Magufuri akukana! palibe tikuchitapo apa ndipo azipanga izi chaka ndi chaka
it happens in developing countries ..but to educate a Women or girls you have plenty of Jackpots in your Homes
Kuchitumbuka amat TUVIWUYA MBETA
This is a failed project! I don’t support this.
Amati mdala akati eko ndalama iwo amati eni mwendo mwaona
inu iwowa amafuna anyamata kuti agone nawo ndiye pano zawakwana akufuna kupimila azilakhula kuti ndikhanza? Ngati banja latha latha basi osakamba zambiri sikuti akapitaso kusukulu ndiye kuti abwelela chisikana ndi azimayi amenewo ndithu. asatumbwe ngati sazafunaso anyamata ena kusogoloku siose angamalize sukulu. Maphunziro analowa pasi ndipo achedwa nazo analikuti mabungwewo mzaka zimenezi?
that’s gud