The 19-year-old former Azam Tigers and Be Forward Wanderers winger earlier penned a five year deal with the South African based side only to be told by the club that his services will no longer be required following the arrival of Teko Modise and Ayanda Patosi.
According to Sowetan Live, Isaac Kaliyati has been told to return home by Cape Town FC owner John Comitis as the arrival of Modise and Patosi means his services are no longer required.

The former Under 20 Flames winger was scheduled to start his pre-season training this week but the latest development means he is likely to return back home.
Former Cape Town Coach Eric Tinkler was the one who decided to bring Kaliyati on board but his dream has been shattered by new coach Benni McCarthy who is not interested in Kaliyati’s services.
“At this young age, Isaac features in the Malawian national team alongside fellow PSL player Gabadinho Mhango,” City said in a statement.
“The elegant winger has incredible potential and under the guidance of the CFTC management we could see big things from the young man in the future,” reads the statement.
Reports have also emerged that Cape Town City have decided against retaining Kaliyati because the club’s foreign spots have already been used with the arrival of Zimbabwean goalkeeper Tatenda Mkuruva, Mozambican duo of Edmilson Dove and Jeitoso and Austrian midfielder Roland Putsche.
Being a free agent, Kaliyati is as liberty to join any club of his choice once he returns home.
Noma fire
Wampira ndi wampira – Chair sanama abwere adzagwire ntchito….
Abwere…. malo ake alipo….
Ben mc carthy is full of shit
Zilibwino kt anasaina contract zake alandira basi
Walemera asanaugunde olo kamodzi mwai wanzama atapa za 5 yes pakamodzi
man can u just come back home it happens
Kwa eni kulibe mkuwo, Teko Modise Sundowns Inamutaya bcoz wakalamba, uyu akuti Ayanda naye mafupa adatopa ma injury thoo..
kkkkkkkkkk zimachitika
Let the broker help the young man to get his dues. Much as we appreciate that soccer is a profession, but South Africa is not the best country to play. Too much tsankho. Apatsidwe zake za dzaka zotsalazo
Ndi madziwa ine Noma singatumize player kunja kuti akakhale kaswili mayazi
Sue them you have all the rights, they have to pay him all the 5 years service contract
Ben McCarthy is fool of shirt
Mc carthy ndiwamtopola kwambiri
East West Home Is Best
I do understand how crazy Ben McCarthy can be
The guy is heading to amazulu I think they have to loan him there since the contract is just too long
Isaac Kaliati 19yrs???? Like serious????
Witchcraft is real
welcome back a Atcheya to Nyerere family
McCarthy is puss
Aaaaaaaaaa Koma Kumalawi Moti Nkumati Isaac Ali Ndi Zaka 19 Kkkkkkkkkkkkkk Ndiye Dele Alli Akhala Ndi Zaka 5
Let FAM intervention that this boy must be compensated, if he signed a contract with the team then its legally binding to both parties and this team will pay for their actions. This boy is very lucky he has a bright future, its the devil who wants to frustrate him. If he will remain focused and not loose hope with this, one he will punish this team.
Though am a Bullets fan but as a Malawian I take this as bullshit….. They have wasted the teen age’s time…. I hope the contract will back him
bwera uzaone mavuto amene kampopi fc ikukumana nawo
Bwera kumudzi aise asanamalize kujambula ma ID aunzika !!!!! Panga fast.
Bwerera kumudzi sunapheko anthu kuti ukuopa kumangidwa timu yako ija ya nyerere ilipo ndipo ili pa chiwongolero
Ma player a neba kkkkkkkkk
…Ndi manyaka eni-eni…amangobwelera kunsika kkkk
Kkkkkkk koma guyz mwati ali ndi zaka zingati? Penapake mukamafuna kunama muziyamba mwaganiza kaye Isaac kaliati angakhale ndi zaka 19 no sence
Ben macthy ndi mwana oti sadziwa u coach wakondera akunuwa Teko modise anatha kale kale ..tsakho basi..
Abwere azizasenda mbatata za chips pachiwaya changa
Bolad amutapise
Mwati 19 years??????? nanga tikaphatikiza ndi zomwe anasungisa ku bank nkhonde ndiye zikwana zingati?????
Nyamuka mwansanga uzibwera, sanalakwe kukuthamangitsa akufuna uzajambulitse ID ya unzika
Alandira zake za 5yrs azizadya kuno, wampira ndi wampira
Pajatu kuli lamulo loti ma foreign players asamacholuke ali ndi figure ndiye ngati abwera enawo akwao konko zada basi kkkkk
Wagwa nayo
Ineyo ndinali odabwa akupita ndimadziwa kuti sangasewele mpira pa joni miyendo yake sikusiyana ndi ma plough kapena ma ridger a press agriculture abwele ife ngati a team yake timutumiza ku japan adzikayendayenda monga anapangira amisa athu awiri aja bwera ndiwe mwana wathu chimutucho
Bwana Capetown city sili ku Johannesberg.
Capetown city imasewera mpira ku capetown kokha???? Siimenyaso pa joni???
Inu ndi bulutu, We call this rainbow nation #JOWENI or #JONI whether a person z in capetown,pretoria,mpumalanga,soweto ,mkhwethini ameyo ali ku joni mwangoziyamba eti kkk inu ndi aja amapita ku joni muma container kkk dzikhalani ku mzikitiko kuopa kugwidwa
africa espext
Inu munasewerako kuti mpira ndi mapazi anuwo? Msanje basiii…
Ha! ha! ha! ha! Watha ameneyo! alingati nkhuku yobwerera kumalonda!
awa ineee……….xbola iyeyo nkhuku,,,,,nanga iweo????kkkkkkkkkkkkk
Kkk kodi wamva za#SAILENCE?
Iiiii pepa
Nde mwati 19 years?
Atinamiza sangakhale 19 yrs ameneuja
I Know him bwinobwino 19yrs ndi boza leni leni
he shd be 24 yrs coz ndi ma age mates ndi last born brother wanga..
ya i second u make hope
zakamuvuta basi,kazibwerani amwene koma mudzasankhe timu yabwino
Chimene chakudutsa sichinali choyenera kuti chikupeze.
Kodi anasayina contract yazaka zingati
Papa Kaliyati kuweedidwa before appearing in any game. If you have never played for Bullets on the local scene nobody trusts your abilities. Sorry that you didn’t realise this in the first place.
He asked whether he ever played in a team that Patrick Mabedi played back home, he answered no. What about a team that Peter Mponda played?, he answered no. Robert Ng’ambi’s? No. Gabadinho Mhango’s? No. And Beni MacCarthy had no choice but to send him packing.
Wa zaka 19 yo mwat ndan. ….
Chabwm Sichikhalitsa Ndiwe Wabwn.
Bola zake apatsidwe za 5 years contract
malamulo isayina contract ndi oti zonse zake amupasa basi za zaka 5 koma alemera ali mwana uyu
Adakali mfana no stress Isaac koma kolowela ndiye usakhe bwinobwino ngati ukufunadi kunja
Kkkkkkk alipo mukumuzembela big
Lero lokhatu walemba zanzeru iwe wa chingambwe fc
km amalawi kubisa zaka munthu wa 26 akt 19 oky
Tamva kale..ndiye pali vuto
If he really signed contract for 5 years…..zake ampatsa basi
Amasata malamulo ngt akumuchosa yet his contract is not terminated
19 yr old isaac kaliati uja??? Amalawi zaka za mpira timazitsata sure…
abwere bola zakezo ampaxe nd contract imeneyo
Not gud
Basi zavuta abwerere kuno kumudzi
Abwere Team Yake Ilipo Kale Tidzamulandira Ndipo Ili Pachiongolero
Bambo ake sanamuthandize uyu!!!.pamenepo aifuna Nomads
Malawi24,Kaliati is heading to Amazulu fc,mwachedwa nazo izi!
kkkkkkkkkk kubwerera bac kuzayesanso Korma langizo ndiloti kusintha team bac,chifukwa ma team enawa amakuonesa mystic kanthu u sali kanthu!!
Once a Nomad always a Nomad
Abwerere Kunjuli
Mwala okanidwa mawa pangodya….osadanda…!
deal imatheka ndiya player ochoka Ku bullets basi
Welcome back chair tangobwelera kulaliluban . Mac carthy ndi kape sakukudziwa azakufuna. Tangobwera uzathandize kulanga ma team monga kamlete fc kumudzi kuno.
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