Part of Cecilia Khofi’s tasks as Miss Malawi is to advocate for reduction in population growth through engaging various stakeholders, a development that has put a smile on Speaker of Parliament Richard Msowoya.
After Khofi had appeared before Parliamentarians on Wednesday, Msowoya applauded the beauty queen’s efforts in bringing down rapid population growth in the country.
“This dialogue should continue, the fact that she is engaging various stakeholders who are to carry the message to other people, as we make a way to breakthrough to development,” said Msowoya.
Msowoya also expressed worry over the rapid population growth arguing it affects the quality of service delivery in Malawi.

On her part, Miss Malawi disclosed her readiness to go in constituencies to motivate girls so that they should not accept being married off at a young age.
Malawi’s population is reported to be growing at a fast rate, a development that has worried various stakeholders in the country.
The fast growing population is said to affect the quality of public services such as education and health.
Akunena za kuchuluka ngat anawo anthu amapita nao kwao ndikumakapempha ufa zaziiiii bwanji mai ndi bambo ako sumafuna kuwauza kt munandibelekelanji ndachulukitsa Malawi . Usaganize kt amene akunamizao kt utiuze ife takana ctiwelenga kt kaya ndinu achuma, aotchuka, okongola, azimaudindo , km mwalemba m’madzi mowelenga achure ngat subeleka zako izo
Nanga iyeyu poti ndi mtsikana akabereka nde kuti chiwerengero chitsika? Zopusa basi!
This issue of controlling/reducing population growth is a non starter.
High levels of poverty fuelling high population growth.
and i quote, ‘speaker in love with miss malawi’
Who do you quote you…
Bwinotu bwino
Palibe angasinthe chifuniro cha mulungu ufuse ma minister kuti ana alinawo angati naga akazi ngati iweyo alinawo angati m’mizimu udikire iweso akupase iwe! iwe!
iwe! How many times did call, ask your and u can not solve our problems, umaliziwa banja iwe.
Iwe imeneyo ungoyitaya simfundo iwe wataya mimba zingati kwanu mulipo angati akutumayo akupwetesa nkhani ya stop corruption in malawi and heart of greedy
NGATI NDI WOPHUNZIRA IYEYU WILL AGREE WITH ME KUTI COUNTRIES WITH HIGHEST POPULATION NDI OMWE ALI OLEMERA KWAMBIRI eg CHINA, INDIA, USA, JUST TO MENTION A FEW. MUNO MU AFRICA COUNTRIES LIKE NIGERIA, SOUTH AFRICA, JUST TO MENTION AFEW NDIYE AKUTI CHANI MTSIKANAYU! Innocent Greshan Nyirenda Xtopher Kampupu Nyirenda Greshan Nyirenda Macmillan Mlotha Daniel Baloyi Emmanuel MD Shabah Daniel Dan Baloyi Zikwimba Unombea Baloyi Lonily Baloyi Bathromew Shaba Dokiso John Mbale Matthew Mhone Daniel Baloyi Aaron Chisinga
Sir,comment yokhayi basi is enough. U are absolutely right.
Kd iyeyu athetsa bwaj over population ya malawi ngat anakwatilapo za ziii mixiii
Kungodzuka basi. I will talk about population reduction. There are more burning issues than this girl! We have issues of national unity, poor economic policies, low standards of education, early marriages, international security, school dropouts, corruption, nepotism. Old stupid professors in power, food security, regionalism. Politics of appeasement the list is endless. Population reduction are you a contraceptive yourself. My friend shut the hell up. Go and comb you hair. Watch and learn next time.
She must hear that!
100% right
So its the speaker of parliament.then no need to reduce population.kkkkkkkkk
Kkkkkkkkkk ka
The only solution to population growth is this, ngati mamuna ali ndi ana awiri, afuulidwe ngati galu. Am I seconded? Yes I can see the hand.
Kkkkkkk,waonjezatu mkulu.mpakana kufulana eti?kkkkkk
He is inlove with his wife
Speaker In Love With Miss Malawi? Kkkkk
Mmmmh koma chizunguchi abale… !
Eyaa,speaker In Love With Cecilia Khofi.
Kodi Iwe Nthawi Yonsei Sumaziwa Eti??
Ayi Nd2 Sindmaziwa Ine.Kkkk
Anatengo edzi ngati zake uja
umbombo ndidziko mufuna muzikhalamo nokha, nanga mukapita inuyo dzikoli lidzakhala ndindan, mkadakonda fundo imeneyi ikadayambira Khofi yo asanabadwe.
How was she born if her parents practiced population reduction?
close all gals
amwene iys nt the population dat z hindering development in fact the countries that have highest populations in the world are progressing at a faster rate.check the chinese pipo km ati tachulukana tachulukana chifukwa choti munabadwa? fools asiyeni ana wo abadwe musiye kuba ndikupanga ma policies oti titukuke.