Malawi Quadria Muslims fight in time of Ramadan


One of the founders of Quadria Muslim Association of Malawi (QMAM) has dissolved the organisation’s executive committee following internal squabbles in the association.

The founder, Botolo Gwendeza, said he has dissolved the executive to meet the complaints of the members.

Gwendeza added that members were unhappy with the executive’s affairs in managing the association that was formed years back.

He added that lack of knowledge about the association is contributing to infighting among the members.

“The problem is lack of unity amongst us, but we are a registered association with a license that we got during Dr Bakili Muluzi’s government,” said Gwendeza.

He further faulted Muslim Association of Malawi for being behind the differences arguing some ex-leaders snatch roles from the Quadria members.

Quadria was established as s faith based organization aimed at developing the country.