Nyasa Big Bullets General Secretary Albert Chigoga has said former Technical Director will not be rehired by the club.
He was responding to reports from the local media that Billy Tewesa has been told to return to the club following Bullets’ worst ever start to a football season.
The people’s team has played four games in all competitions without scoring a goal, the latest being a goalless draw to Silver Strikers in the Airtel Top 8 Cup as they lost the tie 1-nil.

This prompted Bullets fans to force their executive committee to consider rehiring Tewesa, since, according to the supporters, the team was doing very well under his leadership.
But reacting to the development, Chigoga said Tewesa is not coming back.
“The issue of Mr Tewesa until now is just a rumor because at no point in time or any meeting has Bullets leadership discussed Mr Tewesa’s return to the team. The issue wasn’t even discussed on our agenda during the meeting we had on Tuesday.
“Others did not cross check with us. Nothing purported about Tewesa will happen,” he explained.
Meanwhile, there was drama at Kamuzu Stadium when supporters invaded the training base only to find the players not at the facility for the training.
It has been reported that supporters had no idea as to where the team trained on Tuesday in readiness for their TNM Super League match against Civil Sporting Club on Sunday at Kalulu Stadium.
Alumana Zala
Tewesa or Kondi all are bullets fanatic their contribution is vital to Nyasa family,whether with or without juju nkhani ndiyoti bullets izi wina sometimes
Tewesa nde mwini zithu
tewesa munthu wa SDA church zoona kutchuka ndi nyanga choncho. mupira si juju neba pedza ma player abwino basi
Waeneladi kudziwa nyanga ameneyo nanga pakamwa pake pamenepo shaaaa!!!
Apapa abwere Kondi ndi Billy amadziwa kuchuna team Lipipayo ife ayi ndiowumila ameneyu muuzane madolo nonse izi sizifunika greedy. basi ndaganiza bho Lipipa achooke
Maplayers juju, masapotaz juju, technica director juju and executive juju. Dziwanda kuitanizana kkkkkkk
Maplayers juju, masapotaz juju, technica director juju and executive juju. Dziwanda kuitanizana kkkkkkk
Muyamba kuwina tsopano popeza mwapereka msembe ku Thyolo.
Which ever way,i agree
The team will continue missing the target hence relegation is on their neck
Tewasa ndiye amkagula maref mudamchotsa ndikuwina komwe kudachoka.
If his coming back will motivate and encourage the players and the team comes back on winning track why blocking him? Whether juju, buying refs are the techniques who mind it’s not a church it’s football what is required is winning at all cost. In my opinion it is better to have an indiscipline winning team in football than a disciplined loosing team.
kkkkkkkkk koma akhale jujuyo
Tewesa must return on duty,
Ngati anasiya kusapota teameyi kulibwino kungomanga mulomo
Team is not Tewesa. Just focus on winning strategies.
Oky,So He Iz The One Amagula Ma Ref Uja Et
They believe in juju agalu amenewa that’s y akumufuna Tewesa kkkkkkkkkk inunso a Tewesa mesa ndinu a seventhday Adventist inu ??????? Mmmmmmmmm
Nkhani apa ndi yakuti ma ref anaionera patali mita, mapenote sakupezekanso ayi finish.
Tewesa the son of Thyolo soil abwelere basi apo bii kuluza
kkkkkkkkk mulila simunati nd chingabwe fc Sanyo no juju no winning game no tewesa no winning game muziona mwakula mwatha noma oooyeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
All of them are there because of supporters and if suppoters need Tewesa back this thing will happene whelther they like or not if not we will fuck then off asayiware timayenda ndi zikwanje
should be returned what we need is winning za juju zanuzo ife sitziziwa may be adali ndi ukadaulo inu ngat zikukuvutan go out mwalephera team yabullets never los like that mwatipangisa manyaz inu makochi
Sangalephele timatama wez monga munthu wakulu pasi patima akuziwa kt abwelela ku bb
Tewesa and Kondi should come back or else Fresh Elections,,,, with sponsorship or no they deliver
Tewesa ndi yemwe amasunga mankhwara a bullutes
The fact with NBB is That they believe in Juju too much! Where were those who find the current sponsorship? Now they Tewesa to cover its position as TD what will change ! Ndi sing’anga wawo! And sanammalizire ndalama zake NDE akufuna abwereso adzagwire ya redcross
Mudabwa Tewesa akubwera ku BB
Why blocking Tewesa from returning? Is he not a Malawian? Did he commit an unforgivable sin. Exactly what can stop him from coming back if the majority want him back? Muyanke inu amene mukukana. Musamunamizire za juju apa ayi.
Abwera azatani muyesa ufumu?
Eti eti kodi eyeyo atamwalira azapanga bwanji ? Ndi ndani azatsogolere club ??? Umbuli uli ku 360° sungaunvetse sure
Tewesa sanachotsedwe kuti analakwitsa kanthu ayi. Ngati anthu atamufuna atha kubwerera chifukwa ali nawo ufulu kutero.
Nde pakadutsa 1 month mukayambanso kufuna rahim ishmael, tizingomvela zilizonse? Lets give the guys who are there a chance. There is no way a team can b perfect the whole season, awanso akuziona kuyenda panowa pabwera ka spell kofoila nthawi ina
Dont go back until many dies of silly heart attacks
zoti mpira umatheka ndi Juju zabodza bwedzi Nigeria ili patop
sopano nigeria ili pasi?
sopano nigeria ili pasi?
bwemziso malawi itatenga word cup
koma? ??? Inatengapo World cup kapena ? ndipo ungandiuze kuti ndiosewera uti Yemwe amasewelera juju
Nigeria bwenzi ingotenga world cup every 4 years.
Chiku ndakumvetsa