Malawi Tnm Super League giants Nyasa Big Bullets FC have been charged by the Football Association of Malawi (FAM) for displaying unsporting behaviour.
The Malawi FA has confirmed that Nyasa Big Bullets have been charged after the team failed to control its supporters from displaying improper conduct.

According to a press statement made available to this publication, Bullets have been charged in accordance with article 24.1 and 24.20 of the Airtel top 8.
“As outlined in Articles 24.1 and 24.20 of the Airtel Top 8 Rules and Regulations the Football Association of Malawi (FAM) hereby charges NMC Big Bullets Football Club for displaying unsporting on the eve of the 2017 Airtel Top quarterfinal 4 second leg match between NMC Big Bullets Football Club and Silver Strikers Football Club on Saturday 20th May 2017 at the Mulanje Park,” reads part of the statement.
The statement further states that the team failed to control their supporters when they denied Silver Strikers access to train at Mulanje Park stadium on Saturday.
“NMC Big Bullets Football Club failed to take precaution measures to control their supporters from displaying improper conduct when they denied Silver Strikers Football Club access to train at the match venue on the eve of the above stated match, which is contrary to the Airtel Top 8 Rules and Regulations,” the statement reads.
Meanwhile Nyasa Big Bullets have been given 48 hours to respond to the charge.
The two teams meet today in the second leg of their quarterfinal tie. Silver Strikers beat Nyasa Big Bullets 1 nil in the Airtel top 8 quarterfinal first leg in Lilongwe last weekend.
Akagulitse chingambwe masapota opusa
Noma kundenvesa kukoma
Tm Ya Zitsiru Palibe Chodabwitsa
mbuli za masapota ndi zabullets amazitenga ngati madolo
angosiya kusewera mpira azikakazings riwende mu limbe basi
Zisilu za bb zimaonjeza wanoma akamayenda ngat akuyenda maliseche muziona agalu inu muzipephela
Ramadhani achoke bullets ndi timu yabwino komanso ili ndi biri yabwino achoke basi
Mpila unali wa bb ndi silver straicas koma akusangalala ndi anoma congalatuletion zikuyenda zikamayendatu ngati siziima coma kutukwanaku zampila zomwezi? Ife abb buli anomainu ma profesa madokotala mwaiwala zoti ku balaka kunafa muthu popeza munaphana ozindikila okha okha
ma banker woeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee !
Correction. They are not Giants
Thus unfair, our supporters shud bhave pliz. Let us maintain discipline always. Timu iyi ndi yathu ndipo sitidzayisiya mpaka kale muzowawa ngakhalenso pa mtendere
BB IKUNGOSOWEKEra ntcito za ayayaa
Lamadan achoke
Mudakaniza mafco pajana idakakubezelani pakwawo timkat mwapeza phuziro koma ayi kukhima zomwe zampirazi tim ya mbuli ili sidzava midoli fc.
nanu mpaka kukanika kulemba chichewa nanga chikanakhala chizungu ndiye simukanakwanisilatu
zako cizungu cakoco ine sizungu ayi
Pepa neba
Ma Palestina nde yake
Umbuli ku kampopi (midoli) fc
Bullets siizatheka
Amafuna zomwezo………koma Midoli football club kusamva kkkk
We knw 4 sure d@ #wanderez suporters r hapy 2 e’ fulest coz #bb things r not working as of nw.all dayz r not sundays ooh,its yo time nyozani mmesa zzikuendera.mwaiwala momwe zimakuvtirani kumbuyo.it seem like many pple doesnt understand footbal coz thoz hu do,knw losing its part of e’ game u cant b wining owez.oooh yeah dats fact
but violence has no excuse in the game
Bb! Are They Really Live Ones Or Rubber Ones? Tim Zopanda Ground Nd Choncho.50 + Yrs No Stadium.Kkkk! Mangan Yanu Stadium Mukakhwimire Asa!
Ndie Game ya ku mulanje yamenyedwa kale inu ndi mbuzi bwanji
Mbuzi za anthu team ya mbuli imenei kwambiri, akuhaniza kuti kuipanga threat silver ndiye awina !! hahaha mukunama kwambiri muyerekeze kupanga ma phokoso akupanganiso charge muona
Umbuli sizithi abale..
Kkkkkkk midoli fc
Umangokhala umbuli wa masapota chowakanizila azanu kupanga training ndi chiyani
Koma mukamati team ya mbuli ndiuzekoni team yomwe masapota ake onse ali ndi master degree mmalawi ,muno coz tikamayankhula tiziganiza aliyese antha kulakwa any time
Koma yomwe ili ndi mbuli zambiri ndi BB
Olo wa degree amata kukhala so mbuli it doesn’t mean kulowa mclass. Koma kuza zindikira choyenera kuchita pamalo munthawi yoyenera
Nde meaning ya umbuli ndi chan
Bola pamenepo
Is that your outcome prediction of the game that will be played today? Let’s be honest and let the people read interesting news……..
team imene ija angoithesa u savage wachuluka
ife a Noma tikuti awachita bwino matama ngati finye. wamkaka ine ndi Noma zanga pheee kuvera nkhani za bibi fc.
Why behaving like DPP who orders Blantyre city to deny MCP to conduct rally in Bantyre city b
Mulibe nzeru zagwilizana ndi zampila
Mulibe nzeru zagwilizana ndi zampila
Mulibe nzeru zagwilizana ndi zampila
Inuso nde umbuliwanu ulipatali bwanji kkkkkkk zugwirizana? Zampiratu iziii
Kusamva neba, koma iwe basitu ndiye zako izo.
Ikakuon litsiro sikata
Ma Burundi inu kuzolowera nkhondo kkkkkk
Boko Haram fc,Neba siudzava komaso siudzatheka njenjenje wayamba kare game isanayambe
what’s the charge here? may be am misleading
Nkhondo amawo neba kulira ndikosatha nkhondo simanga mudzi,masewera mpira sinkhondo kma ndi ubale watani neba uliratu kkkkkk anzako tawoka kale pa kalulu dzulo zakoyzo!!!!!!
Misunderstanding masapota BB amayiwala kuti football it’s game not boxing
Mbudzi za anthu zimenezi sizingatengere makolo awo noma
Mmmmm that’s asad development, within ashot period of time bb ve already been charged?. My fell supporters plz let’s control our tempers, sometimes Prevention’s is better than cure.
timu makaka ake akakhale red/ magazi,,, zisiru za anthu.,,NOMA woyeee
paja munapha munthu ku Balaka. ndiye wamagazi ndindani?
Mesa anapha munthu uja ndi aganyu a BB kufuna kuipitsa noma
Et et red za athu a satanic olo asing’anga. I hate red
Ngati Mwana Siumuphunzitsa Bwino Amakunyonzela Pagulu.Apo Zikuonetsa Poyela Kuti Neba Alibe N’khalidwe Wabwino,Mvuto Ndiloti Kumbuyo Mumangowinira Lefu Koma Chaka Chino Mulira Komaso Mupangazipolowe Mpaka Liti?Poti Timu Yanundiyosakozedwa Kungodalira Kochi Angatani.
Akt bb yachinya chigoli ukusogolano apapa kumulanje
zayambikanso ku zikwanje/ndudu fc,atasweka nacho posangalatsa sponsor.
Kkkk koma guys mpaka misfiring?
Vuto Nd Masupporter Ena Osaziwa Kapena Kt Mbuli Zamasupporter.Kuzimva Koipa,ineyo Ndne Supporter Wa BB Koma Sndnaganizepo Maganizo Oipa Ngt Amenewa.Muleke Kupanga Mchtidwe Wa Umbuliwu,mukuonanso Apa Timu Skuchta Bwno And U R Busy Panicng A Team,does It Make Sense?Zafodya Ndmadana Nazo Team-yi Siyambwiyanu.Lets Support Osat Kuika Team Pa Moto Lyk Dat.
U r talking too much guys. U nid to wait first coz from my understanding they say its an allegation. Thats wy they r saying the’ve bin given time to respond. BB will akways be there and it seems dis team gives you alit of pressure.
u r the worst liar
bb really gives pressure to other teams, this is so because they(Nbb) don’t know how to score
Pressure ndi team yamazobayo hahahaha
Bullets is the successful team in Malawi in terms of trophies and champions league stats.
It is not a mere cup winning team. Team izidziwika po wina ma league titles….
Paja FAM imalimbana ndi bbfc
team ya mburi ndi choncho…. Azazindikira lit mavenda amenewa.? Mxiewwww. Zachikale kale… Mukhaula
go go chipolopolo under 20. we a proud of u neba
Kufuna Kusaluza, Chaka Chino Mumva M’bebe.
thats what nyasaland soccer is like its bull…
Bullets umbuliiii hahahahaha
misfiring kkkkkk
Kkkkkk kma abale ndye zayambilira bwanji
Wokuba Amaopa Kuberedwa Nayenso Wamankhwala Amaganiza Kut Amzakenso Ali Choncho
3games = No Goal
Team ya anthu osazindikira
ok…so what? how many fingers pointing at you as you point other people’s inability…whatever u re u still have at least weaknesses ur short falls no one is perfect sister florence from another mother…
yaaa it seems most of its fans r uncivilized savages
Team yambuli iyi, soccer is not all about fighting
kkkk mbuli ya team
Kikhkikikhkikiki Misfiring! Kikikikikikikiki Mpoloni! Kikiki
ndimmene athele zochitika mbwee angopweteketsa team pa ngongole Ku finca kkkkkkkkkk
Ndimmene a FAM amapezera ndalama thru milandu yosadziwika ngati iyi.
Ukati yosadziwika ukutanthauza chani? Kuiletsa team kupanga training malo amene akuyembekezela kusewelerap game pali zolinga zanji? Malowo ndi aBullet kapena a eni ake? Amakaniza ngati ndani? Ndiye paiweyo wekha ukuona kuti zidalibwino pamenepo?
Timuyi Mr chipojola inde mumaikonda Koma what happened in mulanje dzulo sizampila..I was there and am still here…mpira wathu sungatukuke ndikhalidwe limeneli …ndimasewelotu awa
Kumangofunika kupewa basi, mumadziwa masapota ena sadziwa mpira ndichani pomwe amene timadziwa zampira kumakhala kupanga ubale, apo ndakumvetsani achimwene pa masewera.
U right Mr gwazayani timafuna timu yiziwina mucho onadi osati kusogoza ndewu aaaaaaaa manyazi bwa muka luza game yi Nde minyamatu yimeneyo…..
Akutuluka lero a midoli fc
zikwanje fc
Zili bwino kwabasi powapatsa xool. Ankaona ngati iwo ndiye opambana kwambiri m’machitidwe awo. Kodi kumeneku tinene kuti ndikusafuna kugonja? Imagonja Barcelona komaso Real madrid kuli bwanji zotsalira/ nkhoko ngati zimenezi?
U-20 Fifa World Cup Zambia 2-1 Portugal
Pangani lanu tsamba kaa. Tazidziwa kale izi pano mpira watha kare
Uli Chikopo
BB tinajaira kale,lero ndiwakaka
adzichita bwno dzimayerekedwa dzima vendor dzimenedzi
Neba Again!! Koma
Ndalama zingati?