K1.7 Billion given to Sports Council in new budget


…Youth Centers and Sports Academies to be constructed

Malawi Government has allocated K1.7 billion to Malawi National Council of Sports through the Minister of Labor, Youth, Sports and Manpower Development during the on-going Parliamentary sitting in Lilongwe.

In 2016/2017 financial year, Government had deducted the budget from K1.3 billion to K1 billion, with K300 million funding Football Association of Malawi (FAM), Netball Association of Malawi (NAM) and other sporting disciplines.

Boys at a sports academy: Some of the money will be used for establishing academies

However, sports fanatics in the country have all the reasons to smile following Government’s decision to increase the budget allocated to Sports Council of Malawi.

Finance Minister Goodall Gondwe announced the development when he was presenting 2017/2018 budget statement in the Legislature’s chamber.

The increase in funding to the ministry represents a 60 percent, with K150 million being set aside for the establishment of a Development Programme in the Ministry of Civic Education and Community Development.

Sports Minister Henry Mussa told the honorable house on Tuesday that his ministry plans to construct sports academies in the country in order to improve sports in all disciplines.

“There must be a revolution in as far as sports development in Malawi is concerned. The only way to do that is to have sports academies across the country where various sporting disciplines in Football, Netball, Volleyball, Rugby, Squash, Boxing and many more will be trained. Apart from that, we will have to identify the up-and-coming youth footballers that will be ushered into the main team,” he told Parliament.

True to Mussa’s words, Government has set aside millions of Kwachas, from which professional football activities will be offered at various youth centers including the Youth Center in Lilongwe which will be rehabilitated extensively and in Blantyre and Mzuzu where other centers will be constructed.

However, the funding did not indicate as to how much FAM, NAM and other sporting disciplines will get from the said allocation.