Timber millers told to plant trees

Chikangawa forest

The Malawi Government through the ministry of natural resources, energy and mining has asked timber millers to work together with it in conserving forests.

Minister of natural resources, energy and mining Bright Msaka said this during a tree planting exercise at Dzalanyama Forest in Lilongwe.

Government gave timber millers the licence to harvest wood in Chikangawa Forest in the north and there are also timber dealers who cut trees at Dzalanyama forest reserve. The dealers are accused of felling trees without replanting.

Bright Msaka
Lets conserve nature: Msaka

Msaka said the timber millers should join hands with government in conserving the environment by planting more trees in the forest.

He added that the millers are ones who are involved in wanton cutting down of tress in the forest.

The minister however expressed concern with the habit of cutting down trees in the country’s forests.

Msaka explained that government will not tolerate anyone found cutting trees or producing charcoal in the forests.

The minister therefore asked people in the country to plant more trees in order to protect the environment.

During the current planting season, which was launched in January and will end April, people in the country are expected to plant 60 million trees.

As one way of protecting trees in the country, government deployed Malawi Defence Force soldiers in some forests so that they should deal with people found felling trees or making charcoal.