Devotion: Remember your first love


Revelation 2 : 4-5 ” Yet I hold this against you: You have forsaken your first love. Remember the height from which you have fallen! Repent and do the things you did at first. If you do not repent, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place.”

At no point in time should you lack in zeal for the things of God. Never be like the church above which started very well in the things of God but later on they backslidden. Your love for God should always be fervent and ensure that you always do His Word regardless of the circumstances of life and regardless of whether you are busy or not.

BibleSome people were fervent in the things of God before they were employed or before they got married or sometimes before they enrolled for school or before they started doing some business. Today they are no longer the same. They think that they are too busy. You cannot be too busy for God. He has never been too busy to take care of us. The Bible says He watches over us. He doesnt even sleep nor slumber to ensure that our welfare is good. Why should we be too busy and neglect him?

Set time, definite time for Him. Time to pray and time to study the Word. Set time to gather with other saints of God in your community. Show God that you love Him. Show Him that He is your priority. Remember your first love for Him.

Dear Father, thank you for your Word. Today and always I will do your Word and will always give you a priority in my life. In Jesus Name.Amen.
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