Malawi’s hip hop lion Third Eye has condemned critics of the recently launched music bundle for their ignorance on money value.
Last week mobile operating company, TNM, in conjunction with Nyimbozathu.com came up with the bundle which will see people cough K200 for 7MBs. This will allow people to download songs from local sites through an application called Redyo.
Some quarters have attacked the brains behind the development for being inconsiderate looking at the country’s economic footing. People feel 7MB is way too little to be purchased at K200.
However Third Eye, real name Mandela Mwanza, has blasted those complaining and has challenged them to come up with a list of 10 goods that can be purchased with K200.

Mwanza shared his sentiments with the public through a Facebook post on Friday.
“All this talk about K200 for a song being too expensive is funny to me. Can’t even jump on a minibus with that let alone kiss the lips of an ice cold Frozy.
“First person to name me ten things K200 can buy except matches, cigarettes and masacheti will get K200 airtime from me. Mesa ndiyambili kodi,” he said
The new data bundle will benefit musicians financially, hence they support the move. The more a song is downloaded using the bundle, the more money will go to musicians.
This comes following a growing concern about musicians not benefiting from downloads. This makes thousands downloads to a song a mere source of pride to artists.