An angry mob in Lilongwe on Saturday burnt to death a man who had attacked a bicycle taxi operator. The incident occurred in Area 23 in the city.
According to reports, the thug stabbed the bicycle operator on the leg and ran away but some people saw him thus they organised themselves and caught him.
One of the people at the scene told Malawi24 that the man was first severely beaten by the mob before setting him ablaze.
“They also accused him of walking at night in order to steal from people who are doing business in the area,” he said. According to the eyewitness, the thief tried to run while on fire but that time it was too late for him to escape his fate. “He just managed to run a few feet and then he fell down and that was his demise,” he said.
The man was killed few kilometres from Area 23 Police Unit but that time no officer was available at the scene.
wakuba ayenera kufa basi!
Only the devil kill People.God created a human being in his image.When he sinned he sent his only son to die on thier behalf.So that our sins are forgiven.If God forgives who are you to kill.In the world there are 2 kingdoms,The kingdom of light and the kingdom of darkness.Considering that god loves his people he wants them to be strong,happy and healthy and the devil wants to inflict people with sickness,desease and death,Ask your self which side do you belong to.Its obvious your uncle the Devil!!!!
Akutinso ananyengaso hule osampatsa ndalama b4 he attacked wakabaza
Welldone Vuto Ndiloti Pa Chitsiru China Chinaletsa Apolice Kuti Azipanga Ma Patrols Ndiye Sitinati Akapezeka Tizingowamba Basi,ndalama Zikuvuta, Chakudya Ndiye Osanena, Kakatundu Kogula Movutikira Andibereso? Tizingowawamba Chonchi Watsalaso Mzake Anamutuma Kukagula Matumba Achapo Kuzambiayi Akapezeka Mopusapusa Tiwambaso. Dyera Basi Apolisiwo Azidzangopeza Chiwamba Ngati Chimenechi. Kip It Up Mob.
Mwachita Bwino
Welldone Vuto Ndiloti Pa Chitsiru China Chinaletsa Apolice Kuti Azipanga Ma Patrols Ndiye Sitinati Akapezeka Tizingowamba Basi,ndalama Zikuvuta, Chakudya Ndiye Osanena, Kakatundu Kogula Movutikira Andibereso? Tizingowawamba Chonchi Watsalaso Mzake Anamutuma Kukagula Matumba Achapo Kuzambiayi Akapezeka Mopusapusa Tiwambaso. Dyera Basi Apolisiwo Azidzangopeza Chiwamba Ngati Chimenechi. Kip It Up Mob.
Humans, have indeed descended from apes. people are animals.
Watsala chaponda aphedwe basi
It’s bad, this is a bad act and shame to you all who in praise support this barbaric act, if i may ask, where is Christianity in this act, where is your spiritual conscious in this act, i may ask any of you to consider and reconsider this matter, spiritually and scriptural for the sake of your faith, maybe if you live by the law on the non believers (shariya law) then thats your style but in Christianity under the unconditional love and grace of our lord Jesus Christ we don’t have such laws, so as a christian where do get power to condem a sinner in a such barbaric way, and you don’t feel shy typing words of praise to this demonic action. Remember these people removed the life of person which is killing and who is always happy with killing? Jesus or Satan? Answer and see which side you are. (u got problem with my comment reply to me direct)
Honesty right bra though people dont change their behavior of stealing other peoples property but this is not the punishment the community shoud do if he was cought that was enough the second step was to bring him to the authorities for the judgement , we all fall shot in front of the law , we all sin most of the time and we are given time to repent
A Muleso za ziii,mukuti chani inu??anayamba akuyendelaniko akuba kunyumba kwanu kapena komwe amakusunganiko??akadzakuyendelani ndikupanga zomwe amapanga muzadziwa kuti anthu aku 23 achita bwino kupha mbavayi.thats the only way we can deal with them.
Aliyese Azafa Ndi Zintchito Zake Amwene.
Lenard fixy dumah, siya kudya mphala m’bale wanga ndipo mphunzila kudya chakudya cha akulu kuti ukule Ndikuziwa mau a m’malemba opatulika, pakuti watelo kuti aliyese azafa ndi zitchito zake, ndikugwilizana nawe kuti ndiku tsuse, pokhala iweee m’malawi, ndikhulupilira kuti Ukuziwa bwino za ziko lako, mwa mau ako ndi zitchito zawo ziti zomwe zinawapha, (vic marry, mafunyeta, Mr speaker Munyenyembe, Matafali, Grace tchinga, izeki, chatama, ndi ambili osewa adafa imfa zosiyana siyana ndiye ungwilitse ntchito mau akowo, tione m’mene mauwo umawaziwila
Thats true mr Mbewe, thank u . Good reasoning u have there
The Bible.says okupha mzake aphedwe,nde mukudya chani
Chaponda’s yellow card beware plz
Nde Dhilu imeneyo…nawoni!
23 imene ndkuidziwa ndiimeneyo
That’s too bad
Mapangidwe ake ndi ameneo basi
And leaving the maize thug eating mondokwa? It angers me alot…. How long will a.Poor Malawian suffer injustice???
Awotcheni kwambiri agulukunyinda amenewa
akadza dutsa chaponda ku area23 kunoso tiza otcha aziyenda kwawo komweko ku thyolo ko mateyala atsalawa nda chaponda uyu watheka wapsya ngakhale moto umavuta vuta komabe zatheka
Watsala CHAPONDA ameneyo awotchedwenso chimozimozi
Noone is not guilty by being suspected law should proof.
Well done
keep lilongwe clean.do u think kut ndimakoko anthochi okha?
kapena makoko a chaponda ophika yekha????? no!!!!!!!
The same must happen to Chaponda and his team
Ngati a police ayamba okha kumapha nanga anthu wambanu mzingowasiya akubawa
nde yake
nde yake
A MALAWI atopa ndi cilungamo akapezeka olakwa ndpo umbon okwanila ulipo kut walakwadi kucitanae basi policeyo izibwela zitatheka kale
Yes this is true story but it’s about 500 meters from the police unit
Wakuba aphedwe basi ndimfiti yamunthu wina avutitikile kukasaka wina afuna kungotenga basi
Wakuba sayenekera kukhala ndi moyo
Osakaocha Chaponda bwanji?
Thumb up Area 23 residents,inonso sinthawi yomapita ku Police ndi mbava,kumangokhiya tokha bax ngakhale ife kuno kungomgwira amadziwira2 kuti wafa bax we are no longer trusting the corrupt law enforcers.
Good wages to his good work
Crap Hands For The Mob!! Mbuna Wagweramo Yekha.
ndiye LL City imeneyo
Zili bwino.
In LL we don’t keep such people
chaponda amakhala kuti paja
Ku Mwera
Why not chapo
Tikamupeza Tiotcha
mmmmmmmmumm very sorry indeed!