In this mouth-watering edition of Upclose, our focus is on youthful business maniac Trevor Milanzi, author of the book titled What Business.
Lyonike: To begin with, who is Trevor Milanzi?
Trevor: Trevor Milanzi is a sixth born in a family of seven. Born on the 15th of June in 1994. Based in Zomba, home district Balaka.
Pursued a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science with a minor in Economics. Full time entrepreneur and author of the book “What Business?”

Lyonike: When exactly did you come up with the book and under what/whose motivation?
Trevor: The book What Business was written early 2016. It was a response to the challenges many youth and people in general face when it comes to unemployment. It addresses the question that in a world of increasing unemployment business is the next best option, but what business? Many people want to start business (es), but struggle with the question ‘what business’ to venture into. The book offers that solution by dealing with the capital problem, providing over 180 business ideas, marketing strategies and more.
Lyonike: I understand such projects requires deep pockets, may you share with us as to who supported it financially?
Trevor: It was costly to finally publish the book. I did not get sponsorship, the book financed itself as a proof that indeed it provides a working solution. By implementing some of the ideas in the book all expenses to publish the book were covered.
Lyonike: Do you think business is the solution for Malawi?
Trevor: If unemployment was not an issue in Malawi then possibly the book would have been optional. Unfortunately, unemployment rates are just high, business is the best solution. Not only does it ease financial problems on a personal level, but as a nation it also increases our productivity. Being self-sufficient via business is a solution. But the question still comes, what business? And the book ‘What Business?’ fills this gap
Lyonike: I understand your book is rich in business ideas, how did you identify them?
Trevor: The book indeed has a lot of business ideas, over 180 business ideas are discussed. As much as I researched most of the ideas, other generous people also shared their ideas and are duly acknowledged. The process of identifying the ideas was not as easy, but when you are determined it is possible to accomplish almost anything.
Lyonike: What’s the public response?
Trevor: So far, the response has been positive and encouraging. Some people have come back with feedback on what business they have ventured into. Others on consultancy in expanding their businesses and more others are still attesting to having benefitted after reading the book. It is so encouraging to indeed know that the book covers a social need for most people who struggle to know what business they can start.
Lyonike: Someone reading this must feel inspired, so which business are you into?
Trevor: I do tutorials in college mathematics, economics and data entry and analysis. We also produce and design magazines, offer marketing services and consultancy with more under implementation. In general all businesses are under the brand name ‘Moto’.
Lyonike: quite motivating I must say, are there any local business people that you look up to as inspiration figures?
Trevor: As for those that inspire me, there are a lot but for now let me mention Helen Singh, Henry Kachaje and Thom Mpinganjira. Their determination and capabilities offers me hope that Malawi can indeed thrust forward.
Lyonike: Well, in the next 5 years what will we point out as your achievements in the sector?
Trevor: For the next five years I aspire to create jobs for a majority of Malawians through the numerous business ventures to be implemented. Through collective efforts not only of me but also with others of like mind aiming to propel the entrepreneur mind in our youth I see a Malawi which is a business centre for Africa.
Lyonike: Off the topic, what’s your favourite meal, and may you share with us your hobbies?
Trevor: Well, chicken never goes wrong. And in my leisure time I like to appreciate nature and its artistic design. I also enjoy chatting and writing articles.
Lyonike: Any last words?
Trevor: Most definitely, the book is being sold at an affordable price of K999.
Lyonike: That’s affordable indeed I can’t wait to get a copy on a condition that I will get my K1 change if I pay a thousand (laughs).
Trevor: (Laughs) surely they will.
Lyonike: It’s been nice talking to you Trevor, all the best!
Trevor: Thank you for giving me this opportunity.
Where I can I get this book?
nice one
all the best …kee it up
Keep it up.
hahaha mesho you are going far thumb up to you
Well done! Young, easy and has a great future.