CISANET happy with maizegate inquiry outcome

Tamani Nkhono Mvula

The Civil Society Agriculture Network (CISANET) says it is satisfied with the report presented by the Joint Committee of Parliament which went to Zambia to probe the maize gate scandal.

CISANET sponsored the committee’s trip to Zambia saying it wanted the truth about the procurement of maize from Zambia known.

Speaking to Malawi24, Executive Director for CISANET Tamani Nkhono-Mvula said the report by the committee from their trip to Zambia has revealed d a lot of things that have helped to inform the whole investigation.

“As CISANET we are satisfied with the outcome of the Zambia trip and the report presented by the MPs, the Zambia trip has unearthed a lot of things that have helped to inform the whole investigations,” said Nkhono-Mvula.

Tamani Nkhono Mvula
Tamani Nkhono Mvula: We are impressed.

He added that they believe that without the committee going to Zambia, a lot of loose ends regarding the whole issue would have remained.

When asked what he thinks about the committee’s recommendation that the Minister of Agriculture George Chaponda should be investigated further, Nkhono-Mvula said CISANET also wants a further probe.

“Yes, looking at the seriousness of the allegations that are being levelled against the agriculture minister, it is necessary that further investigations on him be done especially due to the fact that  there are a lot of possibilities that corruption may have taken place,” he said.

According to Nkhono-Mvula, there are still a lot of questions that needs to be answered mainly on his dealings with the Transglobe and also that as the minister he had overstepped on his responsibilities in the whole maizegate saga

However, Nkhono-Mvula thanked those that have been involved in the probe saying much of what we know today could not have been known if the MPs, the media and the civil society had kept quiet over the issue.

“We believe that due to the pressure from the civil society and the media, the president established an enquiry which surprisingly has performed much better than what most people have expected, taking into consideration the history of commissions of inquiry [in Malawi],” he said.

Meanwhile, Nkhono-Mvula said they are waiting for Mutharika to act on areas he needs to take action.