Malawi Defence Force (MDF) has called for applications from Malawian youth who wish to become soldiers.
As it was disclosed by General Griffin Supuni Phiri about the recruitment for new soldiers during interreligious prayers at Kamuzu Barracks a week ago, MDF has announced that it shall conduct recruitment exercise for young men and women who wish to pursue a career in the force as soldiers.
According to the statement, the exercise shall be conducted in all districts and selected candidates shall undergo an intensive six month basic training at Malawi Armed Forces College (MAFCO) in Salima district.
The statement has further outlined some of the requirements for the applicants.
According to the statement, the applicants must be Malawians, single and without children.
“The applicants must be between 18-24 years of age, less than 165 cm tall for males and 158 cm tall for females,” reads the statement.
They must also have Malawi School Certificate of Education (MSCE) but those with special skills will have added advantage.
The statement has stressed that the aspiring soldiers must be physically and mentally fit and should be ready to undergo intensive medical checkup.
Those who are willing to apply are directed to send their letters indicating their district of origin with copies of certificates to Cobbe Barracks for those in southern region, Kamuzu Barracks for those in central region and Moyale Barracks for those residing in the northern region of Malawi.
Malawi Defence Force has disclosed that the deadline for receiving the applications is on 15 March 2017.
No thanks
Zowonadi opanda abale ife ndie kaya.tiyeni nizingolima mbwani bas.
ndikakhala ine job imeneyo ndinafuta kale
Wonderin Y W R Droppin Such Comments, May B We R Scared Of Our Govt, Or We R Failures! Ma Falla Yot Wake Up! U R Nt Failures Bt The Govt Z!
is it marine
Analembana kale awa!!
kkkkkkkkkkkkk. jst try your lucky chaka chino mulembedwa basi
I will try my best also!
Iwish But Am Still Yet Stadying Am Going To Write This Caming Of June So What Can I Do?
Iwish But Am Still Yet Stadying Am Going To Write This Caming Of June So What Can I Do?
Amalemba abale awo,awatenga kale,enafe tingoononga ndlama zolembera ma applics
zazi kulenngeza pagulu ngati munganditenge APA osamangokwaitana azing’ono ndi azikhazen anu aja bwanji .
Ukutifuna kukatiphetsa ndi Tanzania polimbilana nyanja lelo sindikufuna pitani nokha ife tidzidzangodyelela musova
Ngati uli cadet wa dpp uli ndi mwai wawukulu kulembedwa ,,komaso ukhale wachibale
The Minister of MDF.What are your views when you read and hear what the Malawians commenting ?
Change our country.
I’m applying for a soldier as ajob I can run up to 300 km/h I do smoke 2kg of Indian hemp per day I’m 519cm tall and I’m not married with three wives and seven children
Mayeso olowera ku usilikali part 1…
abale ngati mulibe Archibald ku army sangakutengeni, analemba azibale awo anyani amenewa
Rubbish kungonamiza anthu kufuna kuphimba maso ndani kuti tiziti munatulusa vacancy yet we know for sure kuti mwayikamo kale che azibale anu
Palije icho tingachitapo apa
Ndiyesaso kachikena mundikanenso, ntchito iyi nde ndi yomwe ndmalota tsiku ndi tsiku
Tizikazula chimanga ku Dedza mmapiri
Ana ama soldier akhala akusungidwa kwa nthawi yayitali m’makomo mwawo nde awatenga kale amenewo ndi azibale awo ambili nde winawe ngati ine tilibe munthu woti atiyimilile tiyeni tizingo khala basi siku ndili modzi zizayenda
Mumatengana pachibale inu iya
Zachamba atenga kale abale awo akumipanda ofoka aja amangokafaso kkkkk musakabwele kumudz kuno nkumakatikozetsa siwa yopanda ntembo,shame on u.
Ife Tikhale Aumboni Chabe? Atengedwa Kale Achibale Awo, Pano Akupanga Practise Wez Wez Zokachita Pa Interview.Osazunza Athu Ndima Transport Mukudziwa Kut Mwalembana Kale
Gumpa Earnest Chimpeni apatu.
What will be shall be’,whether the country is surrounded by the scourge of corruption,something amazing can happen gaez,let’s apply for the post.
kodi tikayezedwanso magasi
Why single only. ?and without children? We have looking for that chance to get job to protect my nation
I hope there will be no corruption like 2011. Otherwise I would have been one of the soldiers in Malawi but I failed because I had no bribe. #Watching
Azikafela ku maiko achainiake
alembana kale opitawonso akuziziwa kale kuti akayamba training date and time
We can’t just accept anything yes yes bwana. If the government is struggling to pay teachers ( civil servant) where are they going to get the money to pay these new recruits. This shows that other departments are not important. So that means they will employ uneducated people. And the question is where are other soldiers gone. Why they don’t reach 50yrs. Kaya zanu izo. To those who don’t want to go to university there is a chance.
Mutasintha malandiridwewo,osati za pa 45 zo.
zotsangalansa kwambiri ndikamamva chocho. timati pamenepo ndiye kuti zikuenda bwino. l salute sir that’s gud
Tpange Ximenez
mmmmm try to apply guys may be is your chance…….you never know what God has for you…..
lembanani pachibale muja muchitila zikazavuta osamazayenda m‘midzi kufuna anthu achimuna kuti akathandize tizakugendani
All my dream i dream about this job but Amangotengana pachibale awa kkkkkk
Family members already applied
Analembana kale. Inu muchedwapo Apa.
Osatinamidza ngati mwatopa mudzikalima makaka kulibe zoti mungalembe asilikali mulibe ndalama
Job creation. Bravo Malawi! If the chance is not urs don’t be stress. Just pray and thank God. He has a reason with u.May be ur friend who has made it 2day will be deployed to guard you and ur property one day. Let God alone to recruit.
Billy Classic Mlenga
please stop recruting by asking for qualifications the best should be compasory or voluntelary coz this is not personal money its tax payers money and its the interest of the nation every male person its a must to be a soldier not onl officers children and relatives
Ntima wanga umalakalaka ndili kumeneku koma iiii kaya tinalakwanjii???
atilembe basi tilandepo bomali hhhsh!
Tatitumizileni Address ndi zofunikira zake abale.
aaaaaa nzokomera anthuamakobidikale izi
Koma chinyengo chepesaniko
Will merit work here or idzakhara yanu ija yongosankhana nokhanokha
Tiese mwai
Komanso Malawi24 ndi mbola. Since when have calls for employment become news stories?
Ma Taifa Mulikuti Kodi? Taiyambiseni Mwina Ntchitoyi Tikanalembedwako Mwachilungamo Mwina Opanda Abalefe Nkutengedwa Malinga Ndizomwe Tilinazo Angakhale Matumba Athu Ndi Obooka.
lets do lyk southafricans witht using school certificate bt only ID as a citizens kuthandiza ma youth kut asamangokhala mumakwalalamu kenaka kumasuta chamba n nyaupe
Alembanaa kale kale anyugwiiii amenewaaaaaaaa
When did soldiers start applying for death? Is the army going to apply to your mother when you die in Sudan? Stop the rubbish put them on a queue and select who you want
Ine ndikukufunira za bwino zonse amene mungakasankhidwe popanda chinyengo, Ntchito ndinayamba kuifuna kuyambira ndili mwana,but now age is no longer in my side. At 30,only minimum chances to be recruited, I started chasing this Job since 2008 when I was at a tender age but nothing fruitile. Kukwera tata pachichiri Bhobho kenako ungowona anthu ena from nowhere brought their Expand(zikwama) full of clothes. Ine ndinangoti aaaah Nepotism,favouratism and corruption are at there best.Pano ndine Mlonda mdziko laweni . koma mwaiwo utapezeka ndingakhale osangalala.
This happened to me too…
Right there in Salima after passing interviews in Lilongwe and i passed the medical check up too..
It was my dream job.. as a youthman.
Eish zovuta abwana,@ #Felix_AN_Tiya
Kwambiritu makamaka if u really wanted to put ur life in the line of raging bullets from amaliwongo just to protect our beloved country… and not necessarily for money or kusowa zochita.
bola kumakagwila yawulonda pajoni
Poor thinking why not employ more health workers and teachers than these ill trained cadres
the world ov bribes, remember no recruntment ov soldiers in God’s kingdom, peace wll b zere 4 good no thieves, wars, hunger etc. b part ov this kingdom now
Analembana kale kkkkkkk
Anatenga kale, from these application they only neee 500 basi nde iwe nzanga ndi ine just creat your own job
MDF mukungowalemekeza chabe koma zowona zake ndi alonda ake apeter muthalika.Mudzitambasula chichewacho.
PEACE BE ON TO THIS EARTH. Join the great Illuminati brotherhood society sect today and become a millionaire, one instant sum of $ 9thousand a free home for you any where you choose to live in the world and also gain powers, influence, wealth, reputation position It includes $ 100,000 monthly. as ur salarys. Note that being a member of this great society that you can achieve your goal in life every thing that you wanted come easily powers, and wealth also drive your car to your target Finally, and also know that is not a dirty game, know human sacrifices and know evil. is a cult of peace, if you want to reply us with your full details via (illuminatti great temple empaire) Tell us a little about yourself …… back to us as soon as possible. if you want to be famous. FOR MORE INFORMATION.Email:[email protected] Or call +2347060911695. Address Illuminati Illuminati Mitra 32th grade ritualistic N.W.O. Ships Illuminati Illuminati…
iam saying sorry
Mwati akufuna alembe mi gwanya yachaponda?
some minister lyk akwen they r busy shortlisted the names of their relatives who will be enter wthout doctor check up & interviewed
my name is Juliet Munganga doctor abumen help me to cure my HIV/AIDS virus with an herbal medicine, am sharing this to the world to save some lives, believe me there is a cure, you can contact dr abumen on his email address [email protected] and you can also call or whatsapp his number which is {+2347085071418} please share to save lives.
How much will my salary be? Will I be getting my payments every months?
Ndilowa chamutu ndili ndi malawi primary living certificate .
Posachedwapa timvanso MDFgate nde kaya
I am indeed very happy for my life; My name is Winnie Wambua, I never thought that I will live on earth before the year runs out. I have been suffering from a deadly disease (HIV) for the past 5 years now; I had spent a lot of money going from one places to another, from churches to churches, hospitals have been my every day residence. Constant checks up have been my hobby not until last Month, I was searching through the internet, I saw a testimony on how Dr. SAve, helped someone in curing her HIV disease, quickly I copied his email which is ([email protected]).I spoke to him, he asked me to do some certain things which I did, he told me that he is going to provide the herbal to me, which he did, then he asked me to go for medical checkup after some days after using the herbal cure, I was free from the deadly disease, he only asked me to post the testimony through the whole world, faithfully am doing it now, please brothers and sisters, he is great, I own him my life. if you are having a similar problems just email him on ([email protected]) or simply whatsapp him on: +2348146005390. He can also cure disease like Cancer, Diabeties, Herpes
the army our pride.so discplined and a defender of democracy.sure.govt should buy our men and women in uniform helicopters and millitary jets but please we dont want marasmus and kwashiokor children of politicians,police and millitary officers being recruited.we dont want very slim powerless soldiers .we citizens want to see very energetic soldiers in uniform and govt should increase the salaries of our soldiers yoti azidya bwino pa den komanso azigulako ka brandy or kachibuku.all the best soldiers. proud of you
Mulungu Ndi Wazatheka Bwanji In Gods Name Ichalange Anditenga
zachibwana basi amangotengana pachibale kaya amaona ngati dzikoli laiwo ndi abale awowo .
Ndipita ine ndikakhale patsogolopo bola ganja man ndikhala soldier bac
Chaka chake ndichino kma
Am 40 ov age
Ulendo uno okha sindilola kutsala ndithu!!
Ya ndalama zingati per month?
kuli ankolo sizivuta
We were soldiers,more fire
Iya ndikhale mulonda ineyo.
It would be great if Malawi made military training mandatory…with all these foreign threats,we need active and militant nation.
I wil make t
In GOD i trust
Hard job, it needs strong person in physical and mentally .
e.g za police anayitana anthu more than 15 thousand pple to attend interv but do know how many were taken?even some of their reletives were left
Malawi ikufuna kubandula ………..neba
Proud of mdf
pano basi,,,ndingovaya Dziko layinu wake ndidzikavutikila kumeneko bola.
ife talembela lembela izi,,,mpaka takula or kutitenga . Upholisi talembalemba antaaa kutitenga.
You didn’t qualify,how would you be taken
Osachititsa ulesi anzanu.inu ngati munapeza chochita khalani choncho
qualification now adays is not based on certificates but how we are related, my poor nation Malawi osauka azakhalabe choncho olemera azingolemerabe.
eee ndayiopere amwene, et ukhale single, no children mmmm sizija zokafera ku training izi?
kkkk many qualified but didn’t make it than those they made it nkhani ndi chibale
aaaaa zaziiii zopanda “chilungamozi”
kwa iwe ulibe mbale or ukhale ndi six points usadzivute khala pansi ndithu,,,ungadzalire kumapeto ,more than half atengedwa kale kenako katsalako ka anthu omwe alibiletu mbale
full stop.
Mau amwene
No problem tilembera basi zonse akudziwa ndi Mulungu
Six points ndiye ukapange application that job?
Word of mouth, ock that’s alright
kamwayi ndikamwayi ankadziwa mndan kut azabadwa padzikoli??
Ku army kuti ma Graduate nde six points nkachiyani? Ntchito skul siyitha
Six points siyomafuna ntchito koma koma Univesties
Zaziii.zolembana paubale basi.kulibenso dollar.makape inu
Ndili ndi JCE ndibwere?
wa JCE ayi.upite ku traffic police akaikepo PG class kuti ikhale yaikulu certificate yakowo.ndiye kut ikhala pgjce ndiye kut ukafikira pa u captain ku mdf.
even alembane kale koma malo anga alipo in jesus name anditenga
Tatisheyani Information Ngati Muli Nayo Pliz Tiyexe Man
Wangotipo in Jesus name wagwa nayo
Well if ur less than 165cms tall and not physically and mentally strong, your Jesus will be of little use
jesus never fails
physically & mentally strong & 170 cms height wautali basi
physically & mentally strong & 170 cms height wautali basi
the qualification iz only msce level
Nkhondo Yaku Tz Nde Kut Yatsala Pang’on Akufuna Athu Ot Azikakhala Kutsogolo
wat qualication r u want?
They r looking 4 pple who can read & write good English
Hahahahah Flo u jst made my day
Floh umakwana:me2 u hv made ma day
Agaluwa analembana kale mmmmmmmm mzanga wina watengedwa koma ali ndi JC mkhani Makobili
zoona man kut anatenga kale
Siet broh
One way of wasting money and resources, asilikali a chaniso?
kukakhaulitsa owotcha makala,kusiya mataifa akulanda nyanja,agalu apetro.
Mbuzi za asilikali jombo zingothera ku kakachaso nyanja ikubedwa bolaso g4 security
hahaha. qualification up which level?
Munalemba kale azivutika transport ndani zaziiii
Usikali Walowa Tchaina Ndi Anthu A PLCE YOMWE
Too much nepotism
Nanga aphunzitsi alembedwa liti ntchito abale inu?
Adalembana kale achina Sirgent Chaponda enawo wovutika ndimakofi ku training
Andetu zapamalawi ine adatsitsa Tata wokwera kwera
muntima uli apa nde ndikukathamanga basi zanga zayela kkkk
A bola kuenda jonz