MDF calls for applications from aspiring soldiers


Malawi Defence Force (MDF) has called for applications from Malawian youth who wish to become soldiers.

As it was disclosed by General Griffin Supuni Phiri about the recruitment for new soldiers during interreligious prayers at Kamuzu Barracks a week ago, MDF has announced that it shall conduct recruitment exercise for young men and women who wish to pursue a career in the force as soldiers.

According to the statement, the exercise shall be conducted in all districts and selected candidates shall undergo an intensive six month basic training at Malawi Armed Forces College (MAFCO) in Salima district.

The statement has further outlined some of the requirements for the applicants.

According to the statement, the applicants must be Malawians, single and without children.

“The applicants must be between 18-24 years of age, less than 165 cm tall for males and 158 cm tall for females,” reads the statement.

They must also have Malawi School Certificate of Education (MSCE) but those with special skills will have added advantage.

The statement has stressed that the aspiring soldiers must be physically and mentally fit and should be ready to undergo intensive medical checkup.

Those who are willing to apply are directed to send their letters indicating their district of origin with copies of certificates to Cobbe Barracks for those in southern region, Kamuzu Barracks for those in central region and Moyale Barracks for those residing in the northern region of Malawi.

Malawi Defence Force has disclosed that the deadline for receiving the applications is on 15 March 2017.