Malawi has enough drugs – Govt


The Malawi Government says it has enough drugs to cater for all the hospitals in the country.

Minister of health Peter Kumpalume told the local media that despite having other hospitals lacking certain types of drugs, it does not mean the country has no drugs.

“We monitor medicine in the country by two ways and  the Central Medical Stores says they have 86 percent of all the medicines they need and we monitor what is on the facility, 90 percent of the essential medicines are available,” said Kumpalume

Peter Kumpalume
Kumpalume: We have enough drugs.

He added that some areas are lacking certain types of medicines due to logistical problems maintaining that the country has enough drugs to be distributed in hospitals.

Kumpalume then advised Malawians not to get worried over reports of drug shortage saying the country has the medicine it needs.

However, ministry of health spokesperson Adrian Chikumbe was recently quoted by the local media saying most hospitals in the country have run out of medical drugs.

He said the problem is serious and they will be meeting other stakeholders to see what they can do on the issue of drug shortage.



  1. Don’t Insult Us!!! We’ve Buying Drugs Own Our Own – The Drugs We Used To Recieve From QECH!!! The Worst You Can Do For Your Looting Ruling Party, Is To Add Lies On Your Menu To Your Citizens!!! You Are A Bunch Of ………..!!!!!

  2. Walankhulayo pamafunika kumugwira ndi kumuyendetsa mu zipatala awone mankhwala, apange check last consignment kut anali ochuluka bwanji kenako catchment area around that facility. Ine ka Boma aka kachuluka kuba ndi bodza kwabasi. Vote yanga ndinabetsa zedi, ine ndinkaona ngati ndikulondola

  3. Soon u will hear that there is shortage of Drugs. Doctors and Nurses are selling Drugs behind back doors. They are selling medication to private Hospitals. While poor people are suffering

  4. DHOs must be reminded that the Drugs belong to the Public with them (medical staff) as Servants & not Masters or Owners.

  5. Liers!!! Do u think u can just post this nonsense lines while poor Malawian s r dying on the quee in hospitals coz of no drugs. May God punish u for the innocent souls u r abusing

  6. paja amati zikachuluka sizidyekatu,,,,timvaso kuti druggate ndithu.

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