Suspended Malawi minister of Agriculture, Irrigation and Water Development George Chaponda is to appear before the joint parliamentary committee on maize deal to explain his role in the controversial purchase of maize from Zambia.
Chaponda’s appearance follows several meetings that the joint committee had for the past week, probing the allegations of corruption in the maize purchase. According to reports, it is feared t

hat Malawi lost billions of money in buying the staple grains from Zambia.
Reacting on the matter, the joint committee has been summoning different parastatals to give their explanation on the maize scam reports.
However, the committee is expected to hear from Chaponda on Friday who is at the centre of talks on the controversial maize purchase.
The committee wants to know Chaponda’s involvement in the purchasing process as reports implicated him to have had a leading role.
Following reports of dubious transactions that Malawi had in Zambia in buying the staple grains, Chaponda has been under fire from different stakeholders who called for his resignation.
He is on record to have told the public that his involvement was minimal saying that he only travelled twice to Zambia to facilitate the maize deal.
koma ngati ndizoona kuti achaponda adapangadi zimenezi kulibwino iwo mwini wake atule pansi udindo chifukwa ndichinthu chomvetsa chisoni kwambiri ngati ndindale ndiyekuti ku malawi kulibe ndale koma nkhondo
iiiiiii ndalama imapha chilungamo,komanso akakhala pankhate sapheka,ine ndi umphawi wangawu ndimati,mdziko muno muli anthu osaposa17million,bwanji banja losauka lililonse mutalipatsa 2miliyoni awone kusintha nawonso coz guys anthu amubomawa abatu mokwanira,dziko silikusuntha pachuma,chitukuko kamba koti andale anthu onse sakunthandiza mzika zomwe zimawaika pampando
Ur wasting ur time
Mwina tingothawira ku theba kwali.
Koma apita abwanawo? Ngati ananyozera court nanga achina Kamulepo angawamvere…….I doubt
Cashgate,chimanga,tractor,etc wekha?
Remember a song done by Lucius banda ,ZANGOKUMANA MBAVA ZOKHAZOKHA,
Court or Parliament? jst asking coz am not a politician
Inetu pamene mwaitanitsa George Chaponda ndikanakonda anakakhalapo shishimba akhaleso pompo kuti nayeso apelekere umboni wake kuti mbavazi zikhale poyera penipeni
Nthawi zinatu maiba-ibawa mpaka mudzakaba nsima ndi ndiwo kusadaka …..too mch kususuka madala
M’malawi Wanzeru Apereke Umboni Osamangowuwa Ngati Galu.Amene Muli Ndi Wa Dr Chaponda Asayendere Mphekesera Ngati Satana
Who suspended him? Can anyone do that to chaponda
Basis mwayi ndiomwe muthanso kumufunsanso kuti ananyalanyaza chigamulo cha khoti kapena pali ubale ndi makhoti.
Mwaviwanthu vinkhalye imwe mulije nachitima nawanthu umo wausuzgikila nanjala,malawi will never develp bcoz of these fuckin robers
Mr president people was votting for u becoz them was thinking to say u wll help malawi if he stealing maize what bout u mr president we born here but only for chaponda killed malawi
i hate English
? lol
Don’t hate it bro it’s not our mother tongue we’re just trying to accommodate those who neither read nor understand chichewa.
Mbava zosayamba
Mbanvazi zilipo kagulu zimapasana ma chft dilu iyi ndyanga yachmanga gate i ndyako so chonch amangotisewelesa Chaponda palibe chomwe angamupange akudziwa next ndi iwo kukubwela zina sznat dat Goverment of Malawi
I dont no chaponda is a minister or malawian presdent?
I dont no chaponda is a minister or malawian presdent?
Who are they kidding? Nothing will come out of that parliamentary inquiry. It’s business as usual. Chaponda will be chauffeur driven as Minister of Agriculture, and smiling all the way to the bank. Mark my words.
Mwangomutaya basi banvayi?
mmmmmm kwakhola wanangwa kwali
Awenge Mukavu Akamtengeni Nthena Wakamlindizga Ku Airport Mayiro,chamahalaApa Palije But God Wil Punish U
Ask him, where did he buy the maize without cashsale. And arrest the opposition, to show the european that we’re very serious indeed.
Chaponda, mbuzi ya munthu.
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Chaponda is but a son of Petulo, moti this investgation will just drain more tax payer’s money than the desired truth.
Things are so good in Malawi.Laws know the boundary.They are meant for the ordinary not politicians,business tycoons,.THE WORLD NEEDS TO KNOW
after everything that crook is innocent look we were born in Malawi ,we growing up in Malawi what we know is theres no justice in Malawi for rich people like chaponda
I hate Chaponda en his mbuyache ngakhale ndinawavotera anthu amenewa. tionana 2019..
Likomera opata tikanankhala ife kuphwanyidwa wakuba wovala suit siwakuba koma masanza mmalawi ndiye ameneyo
I tink its time malawians we shld nt forget nkhan iziz zitha mosadziwika kut zatha bwanji ….. tiyen tizingogwilan zomwe zimatibweletsela dolla izizi sizingatibwelesele phwanya
And we will buy his lies…kukhala ine bwezi ndikukapangira zimenezo mu cell,,nditavulidwa malaya,lamba ndi sapato.
ndimphete yomwe….yoti ndi malonjezano ako munthu
Kkkkk poor people
Nawa ena mwa mafunso omwe mukamufunse CHAPONDA.
Chonchi muzipanga investgate ali kwawo ? Why ? Arest the guy pls ! Akanakhala osauka bwenzi pano ali kundende, basop akuluakulu inu, wakudenga akukuonani
Boma la dpp anthu ake oipa nkhope ndi mitima yomwe
Chimponda sopano. Ndi mbuzi zomwe m’makukamu zayambakuziwa za chimponda.
kod paja ACB akuluakulu ake ndaziphwake a chaponda et ?bwanj osammanga
Keep it up
Wishing you all the best Sir.